Crittenden County
August 10, 2017 6:00 PM
Special Called Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Consider Approval of the Agenda for the August 10, 2017 Crittenden County Board of Education Meeting
Actions Taken

Order #5442 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Agenda for the August 10, 2017 Crittenden County Board of Education Meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Ms. Pam Collins.

III. Remarks by Citizens

No remarks from citizens. 

IV. Superintendent Updates

* 22 New Employees at New Staff Orientation on Tuesday.

* Hired new FRYSC Coordinator:  Crystal Wesmoland

* Air Source Technology, Inc. results of CCMS Air Quality.  Representative will be at board meeting on August 29th to give results and answer questions.  Humidity is high in the middle school.  Two more dehumidifiers were purchased and fans are blowing to help with air circulation. 


V. Board Action Items
V.A. Consider Approval of a Special Election on September 12, 2017

Statement by Board Chairman Chris Cook:

As this current seated Crittenden County Board of Education has listened to the concerns of our community, we have voiced our intent that the "Second Nickel" (as it is commonly referred to in Kentucky) for the purpose of the construction of a new high school and related existing high school renovations and middle school partial demolition and renovations of the remaining building would expire with the final payment on the bonds issued for this specific project.  More particularly, the intended expiration date of this "Second Nickel" would be after the 20th year of this specific "Second Nickel" being collected in Crittenden County.  This current seated Crittenden County Board of Education has been advised by legal counsel that such an intention cannot be legally binding on future seated Crittenden County Boards of Education.  Therefore, this current seated Crittenden County Board of Education is formally sharing its intentions with this statement and encouraging future seated Crittenden County Boards of Education to honor our formally state intention.

Actions Taken

Order #5443 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of a special election on September 12, 2017 to allow the voters to approve or reject a levy of an equivalent tax rate of five (0.05) cents on one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of real and personal tangible property to raise funds that would be dedicated strictly to major renovation of existing school facilities and new construction passed with a motion by Ms. Pam Collins and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

V.B. TABLED MOTION BACK ON AGENDA: Consider Approval of the Ballot Language
Actions Taken

Order #5444 - Subsidiary Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the ballot language as: Are you for or against the Crittenden County Board of Education's levy of an equivalent tax rate of five (0.05)cents on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) valuation of real and personal tangible property to raise funds that would be dedicated strictly to major renovation of existing school facilities and new construction? passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #5445 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.