Covington Independent
June 27, 2024 5:30 PM
Covington Board of Education Regular Business Meeting
I. Call to Order
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
II. Roll Call
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Board Members
IV. Welcome and Board Chair Comments
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
V. Public Input
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair

Members of the public may address the Board during the period set aside by the Board without submitting an item for the agenda. No action shall be taken during this portion of the meeting on issues raised by employees or the public unless deemed an emergency by the Board. Please note: Comments are asked to refrain from personal remarks in which an individual is named. Comments are limited to two minutes unless extended by the board chair. Critical comments or complaints are processed through the District’s complaint procedures. Questions and concerns will be addressed by the Board through various venues, including, but not limited to, the district website and e-mail.

VI. Informational Items (Action Possible)
VI.1. Holmes High School Class of 2024 Graduates
Mr. Tony Magner & Ms. Angela Turnick, Co-Principals

Attached is the list of Holmes High School's Class of 2024 graduates. There were 202 graduates. 

The Class of 2024 earned a total of 833 college credit hours. 

73 graduated Career Ready - they passed either KOSSA or an industry certification. 

38 graduated College Ready - they met benchmark on English, Math and Reading through the ACT assessment.

40 graduated both College and Career Ready - they passed either KOSSA/industry certification and met the academic benchmark for English, Math and Reading. 

VII. Report of the Treasurer
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance
VII.1. Indirect Cost Rate for FY2024-2025
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Each local board of education is encouraged to approve the Indirect Cost Rates prior to July 1, the start of the federal fiscal year (in previous years it was October 1).  If the decision is not to approve the Indirect Cost Rate by July 1, then the district cannot apply the rate at a later time during the fiscal year.  If a board adopts the Indirect Cost Rates they are not obligated to apply the rates.  The method by which they are calculated is through each school district’s Annual Financial Report submitted to KDE.  The Non-Restricted Indirect Cost Rate is used for Food Service and that rate is 15.54% and the Restricted Indirect Cost Rate that is used for Grants is 3.59%

VII.2. Donations FY24 from School Activity Funds
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

  1. Donations are defined as gifts of real or personal property to the school from persons or entities outside the school system for use at the school or for the students of the school.


  2. Local boards shall receive any gift for the benefit of schools in the district and hold and use them as requested, provided that the purpose for which it is used shall be in harmony with the aims and general program of public education in this state. Schools receive contributions and donations from a variety of sources, including external support/booster organizations. Boards should ensure the purpose of the contributions and donations is clear and the donor and school staff all understand and agree upon the purpose for which the funds will be used.


  3. However, the local board may give the responsibility for the donations to the schools by establishing a policy allowing schools to maintain their own donations. If the board allows donations to be kept at the school level, the principal and/or bookkeeper shall produce a listing of donations for submission to the school board at year-end.


  4. The Donation Acceptance Form (Form F-SA-18) shall be completed stating the purpose of and any restrictions on the funds received. A donation acknowledgement should be sent to the donor.


  5. Cash donations to the school for a specific purpose (restricted purpose) shall be maintained in a separate activity account and expended as indicated by the donor as long as the board has approved a policy for the donation to be maintained at the school level. Tracking this balance as a separate account with proper supporting documentation for expenditures will reflect that the donor’s wishes were met.


  6. Cash donations to the school for general use (unrestricted purpose) shall be deposited in a general account as long as the board has approved a policy for donations to be maintained at the school level. The principal and SBDM council will decide the use of these donations. These donations must be used to support student activity.


  7. Equipment or other property donations to the school will remain at the school and be included on school inventory records and become the property of the local board. These donated items shall be reported at year-end along with cash donations to the school board.

VII.3. ARP/ESSER Liquidation Extension Assurances
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

The district is requesting board approval to proceed with the liquidation extension application for ESSER/ARP funds.  This is for BG23-066, Holmes Campus Ventilation Upgrades, MUNIS project #8210.  
The district is in the process of reviewing the documents that have to be submitted to KDE by July 8, 2024 at the latest to be eligible for consideration of the extension.
KDE then has to compile all school districts applications into one application and submit to the federal government for review to determine if the Department of Education is eligible for the extension. 
See attached copy of the assurances that the Superintendent will have to sign off on and turn in with the application.  

VII.4. Monthly Financials ~ May
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Budget Narrative for May FY2024 monthly financial statement:

  1. General fund (fund 1) – as of 5/31/24, revenue received of 48.9 million with expenses of 31 million.
  2. Special revenue (fund 2) – as of 5/31/24, revenue received of 20.2 million with expenses of 21.5 million. Many grants in fund 2 are on a reimbursement basis. Money is requested after the expenses have occurred. There is a delay on receiving fund 2 revenue.
  3. School Activity Fund (fund 25) – as of 5/31/24 revenue received of $249,000 with expenses of $36,000. This fund was set up end of FY20 due to a new GASB standard that went into effect.
  4. Capital outlay (fund 310) - as of 5/31/24, revenue received of $329,829 with expenses of $329,829. The state does not provide all the capital outlay funding until the end of the fiscal year. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year under fund 400 (new for FY’13 per KDE).Money will be transferred out of capital outlay into the debt service fund throughout the fiscal year.
  5. Building fund (fund 320) - as of 5/31/24, revenue received of 2.6 million with expenses of 2.9 million. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year under fund 400 (new for FY’13 per KDE). Money will be transferred out of building fund into the debt service fund throughout the fiscal year.
  6. Construction fund (fund 360) - as of 5/31/24, revenue received of 10.9 million with expenses of 11.7 million. This fund is used to pay for the district’s construction projects.
  7. Debt Service fund (fund 400) – as of 5/31/24, revenue received of $1,547,035.15 with expenses of $1,547,035.15. See detailed explanation under capital outlay and building fund.
  8. Food service fund (fund 51) – as of 5/31/24, revenue received of 3.9 million with expenses of 3.1 million.
  9. Daycare fund (originally fund 50 – switched to fund 52 per KDE) – as of 5/31/24, revenue received of $310,000 with expenses of $262,000. Revenue comes in throughout the fiscal year.


Completed 6/3/24 by Annette Burtschy



VII.5. Warrant Expenditure Report
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Pursuant to Policy 04.3111, the treasurer shall prepare warrants or “Orders of the Treasurer” to be acted upon at each regular Board meeting. The Board shall give subsequent approval to all budgeted disbursements made between meetings of the Board. Disbursements shall only be made on invoices for purchases made in accordance with District policy and procedures.

VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.1. Approval of Minutes ~ June 13, 2024 Regular Working Meeting

Pursuant to CIPS Policy 01.4, Meetings; the minutes of Board meetings shall constitute the official written record of Board deliberations and actions. Board minutes shall only become official after they have been approved by the Board at a subsequent meeting and immediately thereafter have been signed by the secretary and the presiding officer. However, prior to approval of the minutes, the Board may amend or correct them in order to assure they are accurate. 


VIII.2. Amend Board Policy 03.121, Salaries ~ Final Reading
Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

The Superintendent recommends revising board policy to allow for certified rank change obtained on or before December 31st. This is a change from the current policy which requires the change by September 15th. This has been approved by KSBA and reviewed by board attorney.

VIII.3. Certified Evaluation Appeals Committee
Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

The Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP) calls for the election of CEP Appeals Committee members to be elected every three years.

Panel Members and Alternates

Under procedures developed by the evaluation committee, a three (3) member panel shall be established to hear certified staff appeals from summative evaluations as required by law. 

The duties of the evaluation appeals panel shall be limited to reviewing the summative evaluation of any certified employee who receives an “Ineffective” on a majority of the performance standards.

 Two (2) members of the panel shall be elected by and from the certified employees of the District.  Two (2) alternates shall also be elected by and from the certified employees, to serve in the event an elected member cannot serve.  The Board shall appoint one (1) certified employee and one (1) alternate certified employee to the panel.  All regular panel members and alternates shall be certified employees of the District at the time of appointment or election and during their term of office. 

Panel members and their alternates shall serve without compensation. The terms of panel members and their alternates shall be for three (3) years and run from July 1 to June 30. Members may be reappointed or re-elected. The chairperson of the panel shall be elected by the three (3) panel members at the first meeting of the panel. Should it become necessary for the chairperson to be represented by an alternate, the three (3) panel members shall elect a temporary chairperson to serve until the regular chairperson is eligible to resume that role.

Alternates shall serve when:

  1. a panel member is ill
  2. a panel member is appealing to the panel
  3. a member of the panel member’s immediate family (defined as father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son daughter, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandparent and corresponding in-laws) is appealing to the panel
  4. a panel member was the evaluator of the appellant.

An election was held this school year for a term beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2027.

Lauren Hardy received the highest number of votes, and is hereby recommended to the Board of Education for Appointment to the committee.

The person who received the second-highest number of votes was Jeremey Young. The person who received the third highest number of votes was Amy Grear. They are appointed to the committee through this election process. 

The person who received the fourth highest number of votes was Kate Dusing, and she is hereby recommended to the Board of Education for Appointment as an alternate to serve on the committee.

The person who received the fifth-highest number of votes was Jacob Gibson. The person who received the sixth-highest number of votes was Rebecca Caldwell. They are appointed to serve as alternates through the election process. 

Mr. Alter, Mr. Kippenbrock, and the members/alternates will meet this year to review and revise the CEP and present back to the board for approval at a later date. 

VIII.4. Athletic Training Contract
Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

The Athletic Training Contract with Kentucky Rehabilitation Services doing business as, Novacare Rehabilitation increased by $40,000 as in previous years. Total for the 2024-2025 school year will be $75,000, and will be billed quarterly. The rates will increase by 5% each year on the anniversary date of the agreement. 

VIII.5. SRO Contract with Kenton County Sheriff's Office
Mr. Alvin Garrison, Superintendent

Recommendation that the Board of Education Accept as an Informational Item, the contract for the School Resource Officers for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Rationale: KRS 158.4414 requires local boards of education and superintendents to assign a school resource officer to each school as funds become available. Currently CIPS has 3 School Resource Officers serving Holmes Middle School, Holmes High School, and the Transformational Learning Center. 

This contract is substantively the same as the 2023-2024 contract, and has been reviewed by the Board Attorney. This contract adds a equal to the percent that other district employees received. This contract also adds a fourth school resource officer to the district if a certified, qualified candidate is identified and hired. This position would be assigned to an elementary school at the discretion of the Superintendent or his designee. 

For the first time, the Commonwealth of Kentucky's 2024-2026 biennial budget allocated funds to help cover the cost of the School Resource Officer Program. District Administrators have been advised that the funding should equal $20,000 per school resource officer. More information is expected from the Kentucky Department of Education in the weeks to come regarding this funding. Independent of this, the budget committee allocated funding for the fourth School Resource Officer in the CIPS 2024-2025 budget. 

IX. Individual Approval Agenda Items
IX.1. McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Contract for SUV Driver
Ms. Lori Knochelmann, Homeless Coordinator and/or Bill Grein, Director Data Assessments

Contract for Board's approval to hire a 1099 Contracted Driver for SUV purchased through ARP Funds.

IX.2. BG 23-406 Chapman Career & Tech Project ~ Drawings, Specs and Request to Advertise for Proposals/Bids
Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

It is recommended by Superintendent Garrison that the Covington Board of Education approve the DD/CD Drawings and Specs for BG 23-406, Chapman Career & Tech Project, AND approve to advertise for proposals/bids.

  • During the May 12, 2022 Covington Board of Education accepted the LAVEC Grant offer in the amount of $4,925,000 to be used for the renovation of our vocational center as recommended by Mr. Alvin L. Garrison, Superintendent of Schools
  • During the April 4, 2024 meeting the Covington Board of Education accepted as an informational item the overview of the proposed renovations for BG23-406 Chapman Career & Tech Project.
  • Per House Bill 1, districts are required to contribute 10% of the total project cost with local resources.
  • Proposed Renovation Cost:

                    TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS: $6,612,711.90

                    TOTAL SOFT COSTS: $1,217,288.10

                    TOTAL BG-1 COSTS: $7,830,000.00

Recommended Motion

The Covington Board of Education approves the DD/CD Drawings and Specs for BG23-406 and approves the request to advertise for proposals/bids for the Chapman Career & Tech Project. 


IX.3. BG23-062 Holmes Campus Project and Revised BG1
Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

It is recommended by Superintendent Garrison that the Covington Board of Education review and approve the construction contract for BG-23-062, Holmes Campus Project, AND approve the revised BG1 that reflects the updated project cost..

As recommended by EMBOSS/PCA and approved during the April 4, 2024 BOE Meeting the following renovations and upgrades will be included in the BG 23-062 Project:

  • Senior Locker Room and Gym
  • Senior & Middle School Toilet Rooms
  • Senior High Auditorium
  • HMS Exterior Drainage Issues
  • HHS & HMS Main Office Secure Entry Areas 

X. Addendum Agenda (Action Possible)
XI. Report of the Attorney
Ms. Mary Ann Stewart or Ms. Aaren Meehan, Board Attorney
XII. Board Member Discussion
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
XIII. Board Member Comments
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
XIV. Upcoming Events
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair

July 11 ~ Regular Working Meeting, 25 E. 7th Street, 5:30 p.m.

July 25 ~ Regular Business Meeting, 25 E. 7th Street, 5:30 p.m.

July 15 ~ 14th Annual Covington Partners Golf Outing

July 19 - Kentucky Organization of Superintendent's Administrative Assistants (KOSAA) Conference, Sloan Convention Center, Bowling Green

July 19-20 - KSBA Summer Leadership Institute, Sloan Convention Center, Bowling Green

August 6 ~ Community Advisory Team (CAT) Meeting, 6 p.m. @ Sixth District Elementary

August 10 ~ Tom Ellis Athletic Memorial, Athletic Hall of Fame, Riverfront Radisson, 6 p.m. 

August 14-15 ~ PD Academy @ Holmes Campus, sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. 

August 15 ~ Regular Working Meeting, 25 E. 7th Street, 5:30 p.m.

August 19 ~ Opening Day, Jack Moreland Auditorium, time TBD

August 26 ~ First Day for Students (K-12)

August 29 ~ Regular Business Meeting, 25 E. 7th Street, 5:30 p.m.

September 27 ~ Covington Partners 25 Year Anniversary Gala, The Madison Event Center

Visit for all athletic schedules.  

XV. Executive Session

Pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) the Board may go into executive session.

XVI. Adjournment
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair