Covington Independent
May 30, 2024 5:30 PM
Covington Board of Education Regular Business Meeting
I. Call to Order
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
II. Roll Call
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Board Members
IV. Welcome and Board Chair Comments
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
V. Public Input
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair

Members of the public may address the Board during the period set aside by the Board without submitting an item for the agenda. No action shall be taken during this portion of the meeting on issues raised by employees or the public unless deemed an emergency by the Board. Please note: Comments are asked to refrain from personal remarks in which an individual is named. Comments are limited to two minutes unless extended by the board chair. Critical comments or complaints are processed through the District’s complaint procedures. Questions and concerns will be addressed by the Board through various venues, including, but not limited to, the district website and e-mail.

VI. District Recognition
VI.1. Mr. Kevin Dailey, Holmes High School Alumnus ~ Kentucky Teacher of the Year 2024
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board chair

VII. Informational Items (Action Possible)
VII.1. Contracts with Upbeat - Teacher Retention
Ms. Yanique Francis, Upbeat and Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

The Board of Education has requested district administration focus on teacher retention and has suggested third party exit interviews.

Recommendation, That the Covington Board of Education approve two contracts with Upbeat. 

1) Comprehensive certified exit surveys districtwide for 23/24 school year. (Note: signed due to timing). 

2) Comprehensive certified exit surveys districtwide for 24/25 school year plus pilot of two midyear surveys at two schools, with coaching. The pilot would be conducted at Holmes High School and Sixth District Elementary School. 

Who is Upbeat? Upbeat is a company that specializes in the engagement and retention of
teachers and staff by providing a unique research-based employee survey and coaching
services. Coaches, all of whom are experienced education administrators, work directly with
district leadership and school administrators to analyze the survey results, identify strengths and
develop action plans to address areas identified for improvement.

The Survey. The Upbeat team would administer the survey twice a year to our employees,
once in the fall and then again in the spring. The survey will come directly from Upbeat and
responses will go directly to them. This encourages participation and provides anonymity for our
staff. According to Upbeat, the survey takes approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete.

Coaching. Within two weeks of each survey administration, Upbeat will provide a district report
that identifies areas of strength, along with areas for growth. The survey results will be reviewed
with the district team. Following this meeting, coaches will meet with individual principals to
review and discuss the results for their schools and to help them develop action steps


1) Contract for exit interviews for this school year

2) Contract for the 24/25 school year

3) Case study, Jefferson County KY Schools

VIII. Report of the Treasurer
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance
VIII.1. Amend Board Policy 03.125 & 03.225, Expense Reimbursement - Final Reading
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Please see revised draft version of policies 03.125 & 03.225 to update the per diem rate from $46 to $50 and other updated changes to the policy.

VIII.2. 2025 Tentative Budget
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

This Tentative Budget Cycle is required by State Stature KRS 160.470.  The Tentative Budget must be approved by the local school district and submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education by 5/30 of each year. 

The budget committee has met since February 2024 creating the budget for FY2025.  

The budget committee will be looking into how cost saving measures can be incorporated into the budget.  At this time there are many unknowns related to the adoption of this budget.   Once those unknowns become available, the budget will be amended and will be reflected in the Working Budget that is presented to the Board of Education in September of each year.

VIII.3. Monthly Financials ~ April
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Budget Narrative for April FY2024 monthly financial statement:

  1. General fund (fund 1) – as of 4/30/24, revenue received of 46.6 million with expenses of 27.7 million.
  2. Special revenue (fund 2) – as of 4/30/24, revenue received of 17.7 million with expenses of 18.6 million. Many grants in fund 2 are on a reimbursement basis. Money is requested after the expenses have occurred. There is a delay on receiving fund 2 revenue.
  3. School Activity Fund (fund 25) – as of 4/30/24 revenue received of $246,000 with expenses of $27,000. This fund was set up end of FY20 due to a new GASB standard that went into effect.
  4. Capital outlay (fund 310) - as of 4/30/24, revenue received of $155,250 with expenses of $0. The state does not provide all the capital outlay funding until the end of the fiscal year. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year under fund 400 (new for FY’13 per KDE). Money will be transferred out of capital outlay into the debt service fund throughout the fiscal year.
  5. Building fund (fund 320) - as of 4/30/24, revenue received of 2.3 million with expenses of 1.6 million. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year under fund 400 (new for FY’13 per KDE).Money will be transferred out of building fund into the debt service fund throughout the fiscal year.
  6. Construction fund (fund 360) - as of 4/30/24, revenue received of 9.9 million with expenses of 10.7 million. This fund is used to pay for the district’s construction projects.
  7. Debt Service fund (fund 400) – as of 4/30/24, revenue received of $0 with expenses of 1.4 million. See detailed explanation under capital outlay and building fund.
  8. Food service fund (fund 51) – as of 4/30/24, revenue received of 3.6 million with expenses of 2.9 million.
  9. Daycare fund (originally fund 50 – switched to fund 52 per KDE) – as of 4/30/24, revenue received of $288,000 with expenses of $233,000. Revenue comes in throughout the fiscal year.

Completed 5/1/24 by Annette Burtschy



VIII.4. Warrant Expenditure Report
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Pursuant to Policy 04.3111, the treasurer shall prepare warrants or “Orders of the Treasurer” to be acted upon at each regular Board meeting. The Board shall give subsequent approval to all budgeted disbursements made between meetings of the Board. Disbursements shall only be made on invoices for purchases made in accordance with District policy and procedures.

VIII.5. Student and Athletic Insurance for FY25
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Student and Athletic Insurance Bid with Roberts Insurance, Richmond, Kentucky, Contract Period 7/1/24 through 6/30/25.  

The Student and Athletic package would be with K & K Insurance with Zurich American Insurance Company taking Plan 1: 100% Usual & Customary with a premium of $50,183.60.  This is our current carrier for FY24.

Attached is the renewal from Roberts Insurance. Our premium stays the same from FY24 to FY25.  The budget committee met in March of 2024 and discussed our options.  It is the budget committee’s recommendation to stay with Roberts Insurance. 

VIII.6. School Bus Maintenance Agreement with Ludlow Independent
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Attached is the school bus maintenance agreement between Covington Independent Public Schools and Ludlow Independent School District.  This school bus agreement goes into effect 7/1/24.

Per Tom Haggard, Board-Chair, it was requested to look into if the contract can be automatically renewed each year unless material changes need to be made.  The Finance Director worked with the Board’s Attorney to add a clause to the contract.

Ludlow Independent School District has three buses that must be inspected at lease once a month (as long as they are using them) during the school year with the minimum inspection being one hour and the most extensive being 6 hours.

The Finance Director analyzed the labor rate on the contract to the salaries of staff that will be providing the work for Ludlow Independent School District for FY25.  The current rate of $120 per hour still allows for overhead expenses like wear & tear on CIPS equipment, lights, etc. 

VIII.7. Bank Depository/Pledge of Collateral FY25
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

That the Covington Board of Education enter into the Bank Depository/Pledge of Collateral with Heritage Bank with a contract period of 7/1/24 through 6/30/25.

Pledge of Collateral

KRS 160.570 requires each board of education to appoint a bank, trust company, or savings and loan association to serve as its depository. The depository selected shall, before entering upon its duties, provide collateral in accordance with KRS 41.240 The depository shall be approved by the local board of education and by the commissioner of education. For a depository to be approved, a depository must provide a Pledge of Collateral. Pursuant to KRS 41.240, the depository institution should pledge or provide sufficient collateral which, together with FDIC insurance, equals or always exceeds the amount of public funds on deposit. In accordance with KRS 160.570, approval must be obtained by the local board of education in accordance with Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) administrative regulations and be approved by the Commissioner of Education.

The Pledge of Collateral Agreement (shown below) provides evidence between the board of education and the depository institution, of a pledge or provision of collateral in the event of failure or insolvency of the depository institution. Collateral includes securities or other obligations having an aggregate current face value or current quoted market value at least equal to the deposits or the provision of a surety bond(s) in favor of the district in an amount at least equal to the deposits, provided however, that amounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation need not be collateralized. This agreement shall be signed by both parties, that is (a) in writing, (b) approved by the board of directors of the depository institution or its loan committee, which approval must be reflected in the minutes of the board or committee, and (c) an official record of the depository institution. A board of education may enter into an agreement with its depository institution whereby the premium on collateral guaranteed by a surety company may be paid either by the board, or by the depository as evidenced in KRS 160.570 (2). If the district board of education pays the premium, the depository shall allow the board not less than two percent (2%) interest on its average daily or average monthly balances. The agreement should be retained in the district's board office.  

VIII.8. Commit FY24 Funds per GASB54 Regulations
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Pursuant to CIPS Policy 04.311 District Accounts, the district will follow state and federal laws and regulations regarding accounting practices.  The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) regulation 54 states if a district has an unreserved fund balance (now called unassigned fund balance) at fiscal year-end, the Board can approve committing funds. 

Examples of committed funds are; site-based carry forward funds, committing funds to purchase a bus, committing funds for technology needs or committing funds to balance next year’s budget.

The district needs to commit funds of approximately $25,000 for site based carry forward (carryover) & approximately $11.6 million to be used to balance the FY’25 budget.

VIII.9. Fidelity Performance Bond for Finance Director FY25
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Each year the district has to take out a fidelity performance bond for the Finance Director since that position deals with the finances/money of the school district.  KDE determines the amount of the bond for each school district.  The amount of the bond for the Finance Director for Covington Independent Public Schools is $600,000. 

IX. Consent Agenda
IX.1. Approval of Minutes ~ April 25, 2024 Regular Business Meeting

Pursuant to CIPS Policy 01.4, Meetings; the minutes of Board meetings shall constitute the official written record of Board deliberations and actions. Board minutes shall only become official after they have been approved by the Board at a subsequent meeting and immediately thereafter have been signed by the secretary and the presiding officer. However, prior to approval of the minutes, the Board may amend or correct them in order to assure they are accurate. 

IX.2. Approval of Minutes ~ May 16, 2024 Regular Working Meeting

Pursuant to CIPS Policy 01.4, Meetings; the minutes of Board meetings shall constitute the official written record of Board deliberations and actions. Board minutes shall only become official after they have been approved by the Board at a subsequent meeting and immediately thereafter have been signed by the secretary and the presiding officer. However, prior to approval of the minutes, the Board may amend or correct them in order to assure they are accurate. 

IX.3. 2024-2025 Carnegie Proposal ~ Option 1, Two-Year Commitment
Mr. Bill Grein, Director - Ms. Suzanne Thompson, Instructional Support - Ms. Alissa Paasch, Carnegie Education Director

Propose the Carnegie will continue to partner with 6th District Elementary, 9th District Elementary, Glenn O. Swing Elementary, John G. Carlise Elementary, and Latonia Elementary, by designing and instructing visual and performing arts programming aligned with the National Core Arts Standards. Carnegie teaching artists will be assigned to schools for 8-to-10-week cylces of time. This schedule provides Carnegie teaching artists time to develop deeper relationships with students, collaboration with classroom teachers, and positive school culture through the arts. Along with exploring the arts standards and providing opportunities for creative decision making, students will continue to build community and strengthen their 21st century skills through this partnership.

A one year option and a two year option was presented to the Board at the regular meeting on May 16, 2024.

IX.4. New Position - Administrative Assistant, Community and Family Engagement
Ms. Stacie Strotman, Director of Community and Family Engagement

The Department of Community and Family Engagement is requesting the support of a full-time (FTE) administrative assistant.  This employee will support the work of the entire department as well the daily operations of Covington Partners.  Covington Partners will reimburse CIPS for all expenses incurred with this position.  

IX.5. CSTAG Threat Assessment Staff Training Contract
Dr. Janice Wilkerson, Assistant Superintendent of Student Support

Kentucky law requires schools to have a threat assessment team.  Our district uses Dr. Dewey Cornell's Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG).   
The Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG), developed in 2001 and known as the Virginia Student Threat Assessment Guidelines until 2018, is an evidence-based model for schools to use in conducting threat assessments of students.

Currently, we use this model to conduct risk assessments with students who may express thoughts of self-harm and threat assessments with students who may express thoughts of harming others or the school environment.  Each school team includes a building administrator, school counselor, school psychologist and others identified by the building principal.  This training contract will ensure that our school teams are up to date with this best practice approach.
The contract is funded through the Violence Prevention grant. 

IX.6. 2024-2025 Salary Schedule
Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

The Superintendent recommends as an informational item, the 2024-2025 Salary Schedule that includes a 4% raise across the board.

IX.7. Contract with School Board Partners for the 2024-2025 School Year
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair

In follow up to the Covington Independent Public Schools (CIPS) board retreat on January 27, 2024, SBP proposes the following recommended scope of services:
1) The Board, in partnership with the superintendent and his cabinet, will adopt an agenda calendar for the 2024-25 school year that is primarily focused on measurable performance monitoring and policy making activity while removing most other types of business from its agendas.
2) The Board, in partnership with the superintendent and his cabinet, will adopt a set of approximately 5 “SMART” annual goals that reflect the highest priority desired student outcomes for the 2024-25 school year.
3) The Board, in partnership with the superintendent, will adopt a revamped process for the 2024-25 annual evaluation of the superintendent based primarily on the board approved annual goals.
1) Board agenda calendar for the next 12 months prioritizing the Board’s time on rigorous monitoring of comprehensive data metrics, including the annual goals. 
2) Approximately 5 annual “SMART” goals reflecting the board’s highest priorities 
3) Revised superintendent evaluation framework for the 2024-25 school year. The Board may also consider incorporating this framework into a revised superintendent evaluation policy. 

X. Individual Approval Agenda Items
X.1. BG24-273 Softball Field Renovation - Request for Proposals
Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

It is recommended that the Covington Board of Education approve the Design Build Request for Proposals for BG24-273, Softball Field Project AND approve to advertise for proposals.

XI. Addendum Agenda (Action Possible)
XII. Report of the Attorney
Ms. Mary Ann Stewart or Ms. Aaren Meehan, Board Attorney
XIII. Board Member Discussion
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
XIV. Board Member Comments
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
XV. Upcoming Events
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair

May 30 ~ Last Day for Students

May 30 ~ Term 4 Report Cards go home and posted to the parent portal

May 31 ~ Staff Planning Day

June 3 ~ Staff Planning Day

June 4 ~ Closing Day for Staff

June 5 ~ Holmes High School Senior Night, The Madison @ 6 p.m. 

June 7 ~ Holmes High School Graduation practice, 9 a.m.

June 7 ~ 156th Annual Commencement Exercises, 7 p.m.

June 12 ~ 2024 Hall of Honors Celebration, Drees Pavilion, 6 p.m. 

June 13 ~ Covington Board of Education Regular Working Meeting, 5:30 p.m., 25 E. 7th Street

July 15 ~ 14th Annual Covington Partners Golf Outing

July 19 - Kentucky Organization of Superintendent's Administrative Assistants (KOSAA) Conference, Sloan Convention Center, Bowling Green

July 19-20 - KSBA Summer Leadership Institute, Sloan Convention Center, Bowling Green

September 27 ~ Covington Partners 25 Year Anniversary Gala, The Madison Event Center

Visit for all athletic schedules. 

XVI. Executive Session

Pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) the Board may go into executive session.

XVII. Adjournment
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair