Russell Primary School
July 09, 2024 10:00 AM
Russell Primary School Regular Meeting
1. Welcome
2. Call to Order
3. SBDM Present
4. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The agenda was approved and passed with a motion by Amanda Lewis and a second by Mrs. Lynda Downs and the consensus of the council.

5. Reading of Missions, Vision or Belief Statements
6. Approval of Meeting Minutes from June 11, 2024
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Meeting minutes from June 11, 2024 were approved with the correction of the next meeting to read July 9, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the RPS Conference Room passed with a motion by Amanda Lewis and a second by Mrs. Erica Miller and the consensus of the council.

7. Old Business
7.1. RPS SBDM Discipline Policy 14.01
7.1.1. RPS Behavior Behavior Flow Chart 14.01B
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The council had 2nd reading of RPS Behavior Flow Chart and will have a 3rd reading of the RPS Behavior Flow Chart in the August meeting after revisions are made to the format and wording before becoming policy passed with a motion by Mrs. Melissa Frasure and a second by Mrs. Erica Miller and the consensus of the council.

8. New Business
8.1. 2024-2025 SBDM Meeting Dates
8.2. Election of Officers: Secretary: Would type the minutes, and once approved at next meeting send the approved minutes to Joyce Moore and print a copy for the RPS Bulletin Board in the absence of the principal.
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Lynda Downs was selected as SBDM Secretary for the 2024-2025 School year passed with a motion by Mrs. Erica Miller and a second by Amanda Lewis and the consensus of the council.

8.3. Election of Officers: Vice Chair: In case of emergency, the vice chair takes the place of the principal and runs the meeting.
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Amber Conley was selected as the Vice Chair for the SBDM 2024-2025 school year passed with a motion by Mrs. Lynda Downs and a second by Amanda Lewis and the consensus of the council.

8.4. Annual SBDM Document Review: * Proof of Receipt *Managing of Government Records *Your Duty Under The Law *Certificate of Distribution *Student Free Speech and Religious Liberty Rights *158.183: Prohibited Acts by Students, Rights of Student, Duties of local Board of Education, Administrative remedies. *158.195: Display of national motto in public and secondary schools, Reading and posting in public schools of texts and documents of American History and Heritage. *Electronic Notification Permissions& Required Documents
8.5. Distribution of SBDM By-Laws and SBDM Policies
8.6. Policy Review 10.02 ESS Student Placement, 10.05 RISE, 13.06 Math Facts, 13.07 RTI, and 8.02 Fieldtrip Policy
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The council made changes to the ESS Student Placement and Attendance Policy, 10.02. Exact Path was deleted from the methods for student identification. Early Literacy Test was added to the methods for student identification. For attendance, the attendance will not be kept in the student permanent file, but kept by the ESS instructor(s). A letter will be created to document if student attendance was a factor for removal from ESS and for parent/guardian refusal for ESS services. This letter will be kept in student's permanent folder. Other policies will be moved to old business for the August meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Erica Miller and a second by Mrs. Melissa Frasure and the consensus of the council.

9. Adjourn and Next Meeting Date: August 12, 2024 4:00p.m.
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:03 a.m. passed with a motion by Amanda Lewis and a second by Mrs. Melissa Frasure and the consensus of the council.