Corbin Independent
February 15, 2018 6:00 PM
Regular Board Meeting
I. Opening
I.a. Call to Order
I.b. Roll Call
II. Agenda Approval
III. Recognitions and Reports
III.a. Reports
III.a.1. Media/Communication Activities Report - Kelly Allen
III.b. Open Comments
IV. Minutes and Financial Management
IV.a. Approve board minutes from January 11, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, January 25, 2018 Special Board Meeting, and January 25, 2018 School District Finance Corporation Meeting
IV.b. Treasurer's Report for January 2018
IV.c. Bills Payable
V. Personnel
VI. Operations
VI.a. Approve Fund Raiser Requests
VI.a.1. Corbin Primary School Media Center Book Fair, April 27-May 4, 2018
VI.a.2. Corbin Elementary PTO Redhound Challenge, March 2, 2018 (tentative)
VI.b. Approve Field Trip Requests
VI.b.1. Corbin High School Y-Club students to travel to Louisville, Kentucky, March 22-24, 2018 [Kim Moore and Josh Watkins, sponsors]
VI.b.2. Kentucky Junior Historical Society students to travel to Cincinnati, Ohio, April 13-14, 2018 [Jill Lewis and Sarah Watkins, sponsors]
VI.b.3. Corbin High School Science Olympiad students to travel to Bowling Green, Kentucky, April 20-21, 2018 [Kristy Thomas and Marsee Huffman, sponsors]
VI.b.4. Corbin Middle School Science Olympiad students to travel to Bowling Green, Kentucky, April 20-21, 2018 [Jeff & Chelsea Cloud, sponsors]
VI.c. Approve lease agreement for 2018 between the Corbin Board of Education and the City of Corbin for the use of school buses at events held at the Corbin Arena (This item was moved to Discussion/Action Items to be considered along with Discussion/Action Item VII. b. per request of Board.)
VI.d. Approve acceptance of FY-2018 KETS offer of assistance from School Facilities Construction Commission in the amount of $43,166
VI.e. Approve to increase daily hours for Kentucky Jones, custodian, from 7.5 hours to 8 hours, effective January 24, 2018
VI.f. Approve Continuation Program Plan for: Corbin FRC, Corbin Intermediate/Middle Schools YSC, Corbin High School YSC
VI.g. Approve to accept Delta Dental Making Smiles Happen Arts in Education Initiative grants to provide Shakespearean performances to the following schools: Corbin Primary - $1,020; Corbin Middle - $1,020; Corbin Elementary - $1,020; Corbin Intermediate - $1,020
VI.h. Approve to accept money from the Resolution for Coal Severance Project and to authorize Superintendent Cox to sign all agreements
VI.i. Approve Family Resource and Youth Services Centers School District Assurance Certification FYs 2019-2020
VI.j. Approve and create two 4 hour custodian positions
VI.k. Approve to grant permission for a special education student to receive alternate diploma via early graduation
VI.l. Approve request for a shortened school day for a special needs student
VI.m. Approve applying for the following grants:
VI.m.1. Steele-Reese Foundation - approximately $40,000 (provides staff salary)
VI.m.2. Entrepreneurship Grant - $10,000 (provides funding for school-based enterprises)
VI.m.3. Innovative Approaches to Literacy - $300,000 (provides literacy services and books for students)
VI.m.4. Application for Computer Science Initiative (provides training for computer science programs for students)
VI.n. Approve to grant superintendent authorization to hire 3 additional full time teachers for the 2018-2019 school year
VI.o. Approve contract with Karen White to provide Orientation and Mobility Services to visually impaired students
VI.p. Approve BG-5 for Corbin Intermediate School partial roof repair
VII. Discussion/Action Items
VII.a. 2018-2019 School Budget Allocations to School Councils
VII.b. Contracts with City of Corbin to operate the Corbin Center/Rental Fee and the lease agreement between the Corbin Board of Education and the City of Corbin for the use of school buses at events held at the Corbin Arena
VII.c. School Security Protocols
VII.d. Comments from Superintendent
VIII. Comments from Board Members
IX. Executive Session - Per KRS 61.810 [1]: [b] acquisition or sale of real property; [c] proposed or pending litigation; and/or [f] personnel issue(s); [k] evaluation of superintendent
X. Adjourn