Russell-McDowell Intermediate School
August 31, 2023 4:00 PM
SBDM Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Meeting is called to order at 4:05 PM passed with a motion by Mr. Jeremy Grizzle and a second by Leigh-Ann Arbogast .

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes
2. Agenda Revisions and Approval
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Jeremy Grizzle and a second by Kelsey Nichols.

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes

Motion Passed:  Approval of agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Jeremy Grizzle and a second by Kelsey Nichols.

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes
3. Reading of Mission, Vision or Belief Statments

R-MIS Vision


                                 A-CHIEVING ACADEMIC SUCCESS FOR ALL


                                 E-NCOURAGING DISCOVERY

                                 S-ERVING AND SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY

R-MIS Mission

R-MIS C.A.R.E.S. by partnering with families and the community to promote academic success, respect and kindness, and leadership qualities in all students.  We strive to instill integrity, a life-long enthusiasm for learning, and a strong work ethic; preparing students for local and global citizenship.


4. Reading and Approval of Minutes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of minutes from the special called meeting on August 10. passed with a motion by Kelsey Nichols and a second by Mr. Jeremy Grizzle.

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes
5. Reports
5.a. Administrative Reports

  • Great start to the school year!  We're WILD about Learning at R-MIS!
  • CARES Teams: Responsible Bees, Respectful Elephants, Persevering Tortoises, Kind Dolphins, Creative Chameleons 
  • Enrollment: 447 students 
  • R-MIS Ad Hoc Committees: See attachment

5.b. Committee Reports

PTO: Remix Education for KY Kids' Day Celebration (9/27), Open House (9/19), Fundraiser (9/18-10/2)

5.c. Budget Reports

SBDM Allocation

5.d. Title I Reports
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Title One Parent Involvment Policy was approved with revisions. passed with a motion by Mr. Jeremy Grizzle and a second by Jonathan Tate.

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes
6. New Business

  • Review Title One Parent Involvment Policy
  • Parent Council Members: background check up to date
  • SBDM special election for minority representation

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Title One Parent Involvement Policy was approved with revisions. passed with a motion by Mr. Jeremy Grizzle and a second by Jonathan Tate.

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes
6.a. Closed Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(f):

Academic Team: head coach, assistant coach, FPS coach


Intervention Teacher

Student Achievement Coaches

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Enter into a closed session at 4:35 passed with a motion by Pam Wright.

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes

Motion Passed:  Enter into a closed session at 4:35PM passed with a motion by Mr. Jeremy Grizzle and a second by Leigh-Ann Arbogast .

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes

Motion Passed:  Came out of closed session at 6:07 PM It was approved that Shannon Baldridge was hired as Evening Custodian. It was approved that Kyla Roard was hired as Academic Team Head Coach. It was approved that Keith Roard was hired as Academic Team Assistant Coach. It was approved that Chelsea Dillon was hired as FPS Coach. It was approved that the following are hired as Student Achievement Coaches: Chelsea Dillon, Leigh-Ann Arbogast, Katie Bechtel, Leslie Isom, and Jeremy Grizzle. Interviews were conducted for Intervention Teacher opening. passed with a motion by Kelsey Nichols and a second by Leigh-Ann Arbogast .

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes
7. Old Business

Second reading of Emergency Management Plan (14.04)

8. Adjourn

Next regular SBDM meeting: Thursday, Septemnt 28, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting at 6:09 PM. passed with a motion by Kelsey Nichols and a second by Leigh-Ann Arbogast .

Member Votes
Leigh-Ann Arbogast Yes
Ryan Corn Yes
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes