Russell-McDowell Intermediate School
June 28, 2023 8:30 AM
SBDM Special Called Meeting
1. Call to Order
Actions Taken

Motion Failed:  Special Guests Jeremy Grizzle Beth Westenhofer Leigh Ann Arbogast Ryan Corn failed with a motion by Pam Wright.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Absent
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Absent
Pam Wright Absent
2. Agenda Revisions and Approval

N/A- Special Called Meeting

Actions Taken

Motion Failed:  Approval of agenda- no quarum failed with a motion by Pam Wright and the consensus of the council.

3. Reading of Mission, Vision or Belief Statments
4. Reading and Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 

5. Reports
5.a. Administrative Reports
5.b. Committee Reports
5.c. Budget Reports
5.d. Title I Reports
6. New Business

Approval of Interview Questions

Actions Taken

Motion Failed:   failed with a motion by Pam Wright.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Absent
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Absent
Pam Wright Absent
7. Old Business
8. Closed Session

Closed Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(f): 

Personnel:  Interview 4th Grade Teacher Candidate

Return to Open Session Pursuant to KRS61.810 (1)(F):

Actions Taken

Motion Failed:  Entered Closed Session at 8:50 am failed with a motion by Kelsey Nichols and a second by Whitli Pridemore.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Absent
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Absent
Pam Wright Absent
9. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Exited closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(f) at 10:51 am. Council recommended hiring Alyssa Holbrook and will consult with Mrs. Wright. Approval to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 am. passed with a motion by Elizabeth Lintner and a second by Kelsey Nichols.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Yes
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Yes