Russell-McDowell Intermediate School
January 26, 2023 4:00 PM
SBDM Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Agenda Revisions and Approval

Review agenda, make adjustments if necessary and motion for approval.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of the agenda passed with a motion by Jonathan Tate and a second by Elizabeth Lintner.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Yes
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Absent

Motion Passed:  Approval of the agenda passed with a motion by Jonathan Tate and a second by Elizabeth Lintner.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Yes
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Absent
3. Reading of Mission, Vision or Belief Statements

R-MIS Vision


                                 A-CHIEVING ACADEMIC SUCCESS FOR ALL


                                 E-NCOURAGING DISCOVERY

                                 S-ERVING AND SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY

R-MIS Mission

R-MIS C.A.R.E.S. by partnering with families and the community to promote academic success, respect and kindness, and leadership qualities in all students.  We strive to instill integrity, a life-long enthusiasm for learning, and a strong work ethic; preparing students for local and global citizenship.

4. Reading and Approval of Minutes

Reading and approval of special called meeting minutes from December 12 at Central office.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   Approval of the minutes from 12/12/22. passed with a motion by Whitli Pridemore and a second by Kelsey Nichols.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Yes
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Absent
5. Reports

Ms. Nichols delegates Mrs. Westenhofer to review and discuss reports.

5.a. Administrative Reports

  • Smooth transition back to school after extended break due to flooding.  We're thankful to everyone who helped with clean up.  All claims have been sent by Mr. Chambers to the insurance company.
  • Enrollment: 456 (463- August)
  • ADA: 93.95 (Goal is 96.5)
  • Mid-Year Family Survey (see attachment)


5.b. Committee Reports

  • Team PLCs: (attachments)
  • PBIS Ad Hoc: Reviews behavior and attendance data monthly.  Working on attendance incentives.
  • ELA Ad Hoc: Comments made on Writing Policy/Plan for revisions
  • Math Ad Hoc: Reviewed math samples
  • Science Ad Hoc: Compared assessments to released items
  • Social Studies Ad Hoc:Compared assessments to released items 
  • PTO: Planning for Valentine's Day party boxes, Watch Me Grow Night on April ?, Kids Night In on April 21 and Track and Field days on April 25, 26, and 27.
  • Trauma Team

5.c. Budget Reports

SBDM Allocation: December Report- $54,208.38

Activity Fund: December Report- $22,3885.86

5.d. Title I Reports

Title I Updates: N/A

Title I Budget: N/A

6. New Business

Ms. Nichols delegates discussion of New Business to Mrs. Westenhofer.

6.a. Approve 2022-2023 CSIP

Approval is needed of the CSIP by SBDM for the 22-23 school year.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of the CSIP passed with a motion by Kelsey Nichols and a second by Elizabeth Lintner.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Yes
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Absent
6.b. Orchestra Policy 10.04
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   Approval of the Orchestra Policy with revisions passed with a motion by Whitli Pridemore and a second by Lauren Bonzo.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Yes
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Absent
6.c. Curriculum Policy 8.00
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of the Curriculum Policy passed with a motion by Elizabeth Lintner and a second by Kelsey Nichols.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Yes
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Absent
7. Old Business


8. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Jonathan Tate and a second by Lauren Bonzo.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Yes
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Absent

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting at 5:06 pm passed with a motion by Jonathan Tate and a second by Lauren Bonzo.

Member Votes
Lauren Bonzo Yes
Elizabeth Lintner Yes
Kelsey Nichols Yes
Whitli Pridemore Yes
Jonathan Tate Yes
Pam Wright Absent