Christian County
June 04, 2020 6:00 PM
Special Board Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Discussion/Approval of New Board Policy 09.314 – Restarting and Operating Athletics and Other Extracurricular Activities During and in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Become Effective Immediately upon Passage Pursuit to the Emergency Provisions of Board Policy 1.5; Chris Bentzel, Newly Appointed Superintendent
4. Discussion/Approval of Revised Policy 03.14 – Health and Safety (Certified Employees) to Become Effective Immediately upon Passage Pursuit to the Emergency Provisions of Board Policy 1.5; Chris Bentzel, Newly Appointed Superintendent
5. Discussion/Approval of Revised Policy 03.24 - Health and Safety (Classified Employees) to Become Effective Immediately upon Passage Pursuit to the Emergency Provisions of Board Policy 1.5; Chris Bentzel, Newly Appointed Superintendent
6. Adjournment