Breathitt Elementary School
June 10, 2024 10:00 AM
June Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  A call to order passed with a motion by Wanda Noble and a second by Brenda Tincher and the consensus of the council.

2. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of agenda passed with a motion by Vicie Pelfrey and a second by Megan White and the consensus of the council.

3. Mission and Vision

Council will work with stakeholders to create a mission and vision statement for the school.

Update- Teachers have started giving input for a mission and vision statement.

3.1. Review Mission and Vision Statement
4. Teacher Interviews
4.1. Per KRS 61.80 (f) Consider approval of entering into closed session to discuss personnel matters related to the hiring of a classroom teacher
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  A motion to enter closed session passed with a motion by Wanda Noble and a second by Brenda Tincher and the consensus of the council.

5. Approval of Previous Minutes
5.1. May 2024 Minutes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  A motion to approve previous minutes passed with a motion by Brenda Tincher and a second by Megan White and the consensus of the council.

6. New Business
6.1. Kindergarten Kickoff

Date for Kindergarten Kickoff will be Tuesday, July 23rd- 5:00-7:00

Discussed plan for the kickoff


6.2. Student Handbook

Add Brenda Tincher to front of page

Letter to the parents, change year

Update SBDM members and dates Vicie Pelfrey

Forward- add phone number

Time for morning start time

Toys- add cards

MTSS- Make it more understanding for parents

Acknowledgement of receipt of handbook


7. Budget/Finance

New money available in July.

8. Curriculum/Academics
8.1. Summer Mini Camp

June 17-28, 2024

Use Scholastic LitCamp Materials 4 to 5 teachers

Sign up form on Facebook

All call 

9. Policy/Policy Review

Council approved second reading of policies

9.1. Primary/K-3 policy
9.2. Enhancing Student Achievement Policy
9.3. Alignment with State Standards
10. CSIP

Council discussed goals

11. Other Business

No other businees

12. Public Comments

No public in attendance

13. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Brenda Tincher and a second by Vicie Pelfrey and the consensus of the council.