Breathitt Elementary School
December 20, 2023 1:00 PM
December 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  A motion to call the meeting to order passed with a motion by Megan White and a second by Michelle Jackson and the consensus of the council.

Motion Passed:  A call to order and roll call passed passed with a motion by Megan White and a second by Michelle Jackson and the consensus of the council.

2. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of agenda passed with a motion by Wanda Noble and a second by Megan White and the consensus of the council.

3. Mission and Vision

3.1. Review Mission and Vision Statement

The mission and vision statements reviewed during the November meeting were reviewed.  Members did not make any changes on the second reading.

3.2. Approve Mission and Vision Statement
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The mission and vision statements passed with a motion by Michelle Jackson and a second by Megan White and the consensus of the council.

4. Approval of Previous Minutes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of previous minutes passed with a motion by Vicie Pelfrey and a second by Michelle Jackson and the consensus of the council.

4.1. November 13, 2023 Minutes
5. New Business
5.1. Parent/Student Handbook
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The student/parent handbook passed with a motion by Megan White and a second by Wanda Noble and the consensus of the council.

5.2. Per KRS 61.80 (f) Consider approval of entering into closed session to discuss personnel matters related to the hiring of a classroom teacher
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  A motion to enter into closed session for the purpose of interviewing for a teacher position passed with a motion by Megan White and a second by Wanda Noble and the consensus of the council.

5.3. Consider approval of entering back into open session
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  A return to open session passed with a motion by Michelle Jackson and a second by Megan White and the consensus of the council.

6. Budget/Finance

6.1. SBDM Funds

There is still approximately $5,000 remaining in the SBDM budget.  Much of that will be used for the copier and copy paper.

6.2. District Activity Funds

There is approximately $14,000 in the district activity funds.

6.3. Title I Funds

We were unable to get the Title I budget in time for the meeting.  We will look at it at a later time.  This remains our largest pot of money at this time.  

7. Curriculum/Academics
7.1. After-school tutoring

After school tutoring was discussed.  By looking at the winter Acadience scores, there is an urgency to find a way to get more students participating in tutoring, and making tutoring more beneficial.

7.2. Bobcat Parent Academy

Bobcat Parent Academy was discussed at length for a long time.  Parent members were very vocal about the importance of understanding Acadience scores and having ways to help at home.  There will be a planning meeting for staff on January 4th to plan for the first Parent meeting, which the council penciled in for January 25th.  The council showed a lot of enthusiasm for the benefits this initiative could have.

7.3. Acadience Winter Benchmark

The council discussed the winter benchmark.  Kindergarten scores declined slightly, first grade scores rose slightly and second grade scores stayed nearly the same.  The council members agree that half of our students should not be benchmarking at tier 3.  The teachers shared some reasons for this, including students being tested on parts of the test they had not seen (ex. kindergarten had not seen nonsense words.).  A discussion was had about ways for students to be more prepared to take this type of assessment and the need for more daily practice.

8. Policy/Policy Review
8.1. Curriculum

The council reviewed the curriculum policy.  They chose not to make any changes at this time, but may make changes in the future if decisions are made to change.

8.2. Technology use

The council reviewed the technology policy.  They decided to leave it as is for the time being.  Members noted that at our school the age of the students make the policy somewhat easier, as we don't deal with many of the issues that schools with older children face (Ex. cyberbullying, phone use, etc.)


9.1. Phase 3- Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

The council worked to complete the 2024 CSIP plan.  Much of the plan is a reflection of the plan at SES, as the direction given from KDE since we have not state testing was to use what the school we feed into has and alter it for what we can do to help meet their goals.

9.2. Approve 2024 BES CSIP
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The 2024 CSIP passed with a motion by Megan White and a second by Wanda Noble and the consensus of the council.

10. Other Business
10.1. Parent engagement activity ideas

There was discussion for more parent engagement activities.  Some of the ideas that were mentioned were events such as donuts with dads or muffins with moms and showcase events where students would display their work for the community to come in and see.  All members agreed that it would be beneficial to research more ways to get engagement.  Literacy Nights through the FRC will also be continued.

11. Public Comments

There were no public visitors present

12. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed passed with a motion by Vicie Pelfrey and a second by Wanda Noble and the consensus of the council.