Sebastian Elementary School
April 09, 2024 4:00 PM
SES Regular SBDM Meeting
1. Meeting Called to Order
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Crystal McKnight and a second by Mrs. Wendy Rice and the consensus of the council.


Meeting was called to order by Mr. Hall at 5:00 PM.

2. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Deidra Chapman and a second by Mrs. Wendy Rice and the consensus of the council.

3. Approval of the Minutes from 3-12-24
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Wendy Rice and a second by Ms. Deidra Chapman and the consensus of the council.

4. Good News Report
4.1. Regional Governor's Cup Competition Results

We came in 4th place overall.  The academic team will be recognized at the next board meeting.  

5. Public Comment

No comments

6. Discussion of the 2024-2025 Title One Budget (Sabrina McElroy)
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Tabled until the May meeting. passed with a motion by Mrs. Crystal McKnight and a second by Mrs. Wendy Rice and the consensus of the council.

7. Student Achievement Report/Data
7.1. Dreambox and Happy Numbers Data

Reviewed data for Dreambox Math and Happy Numbers.  

7.2. Reading Plus Data Review

Reviewed data for Reading Plus.  

8. School Improvement Planning
8.1. Consider Approval of the SES PD Plan
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Tabled until the May meeting. passed with a motion by Mrs. Wendy Rice and a second by Ms. Deidra Chapman and the consensus of the council.

8.2. Review Parent Survey Results from Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent survey results reviewed.  We had more 5th grade parents complete the survey than any other grade.  

9. Review Budget - Instructional Money and School Accounts
9.1. SBDM Funds
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Tabled for May meeting. passed with a motion by Mrs. Wendy Rice and a second by Ms. Deidra Chapman and the consensus of the council.


Reviewed SBDM funds.

9.2. District Activity Funds
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Tabled for May Meeting. passed with a motion by Mrs. Crystal McKnight and a second by Mrs. Deana Spencer and the consensus of the council.

9.3. School Activity Funds
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Tabled for May meeting. passed with a motion by Ms. Deidra Chapman and a second by Mrs. Crystal McKnight and the consensus of the council.

9.4. Title One Funds
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Tabled for May meeting. passed with a motion by Mrs. Wendy Rice and a second by Mrs. Crystal McKnight and the consensus of the council.

9.5. Development of 2024-2025 Staffing Allocation Plan

Reviewed Staffing Allocation Plan for the 2024-2025 school year.  

9.6. Development of the 2024-2025 SBDM Budget

Will be discussed in the May meeting.  

10. Fundraiser Requests
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Build a Cheerleader Fundraiser passed with a motion by Mrs. Wendy Rice and a second by Mrs. Deana Spencer and the consensus of the council.

Motion Passed:  Cheerleading Requests- Bow Chart passed with a motion by Mrs. Crystal McKnight and a second by Mrs. Wendy Rice and the consensus of the council.

Motion Passed:  Cheerleading Requests- Calendar passed with a motion by Mrs. Crystal McKnight and a second by Ms. Deidra Chapman and the consensus of the council.

Motion Passed:  Cheerleading Requests- Dance - Approved with a date change that will take place in the afternoon after school. passed with a motion by Mrs. Wendy Rice and a second by Mrs. Crystal McKnight and the consensus of the council.

Motion Failed:  Cheerleading Requests- Roadblock failed with a motion by Mrs. Crystal McKnight and a second by Mrs. Wendy Rice.

Motion Passed:  Cheerleading Requests- Rada Knives passed with a motion by Ms. Deidra Chapman and a second by Mrs. Wendy Rice and the consensus of the council.


No requests.

11. Bylaw or Policy Review/Readings/Adoption
11.1. Discussion of ideas for a cell phone policy

Discussion for a school wide cell phone policy.  A survey will be created and given to parents for input.  

12. Ongoing Learning
12.1. SBDM Elections

May 21, 2024 will be the teacher SBDM election.  Nominations will take place the week before.  The election will be ran by Elizabeth Minix.  

Genievieve Swango will run the parent election.  She is currently in charge of the largest parent committee with the Family resource Advisory Council.  

13. Approval to Adjourn Meeting
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Wendy Rice and a second by Mrs. Deana Spencer and the consensus of the council.