Sebastian Elementary School
August 31, 2023 3:45 PM
SES Special Called SBDM Meeting
1. Meeting Called to Order

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Hall at 3:45 PM.

2. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Deana Spencer and a second by Ms. Sharon Hall and the consensus of the council.

3. Per KRS 61.80 (f) Consider approval of entering into closed session to discuss personnel matters related to the hiring of an academic coach, an instructional assistant, and a teacher
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Ms. Michelle Robinson and a second by Mrs. Wendy Rice and the consensus of the council.

4. Consider approval of resuming Open Session
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Ms. Michelle Robinson and a second by Mrs. Wendy Rice and the consensus of the council.


Interviews next week. We will choose a date.

5. Consider Approval of Fundraisers
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  See discussion for details on fundraisers. passed with a motion by Mrs. Deana Spencer and a second by Mrs. Wendy Rice and the consensus of the council.


Cheerleader Fundraisers

Secret Valentine: Moved: Deanna Spencer Second: Wendy Rice

Approved by Consensus

Snow Ball Dance: Moved: Michelle Robinson Second: Crystal McKnight

Approved by Consensus

Candy Bars: Moved: Sharon Hall Second: Wendy Rice

Approved by Consensus

T-shirt Sales: Moved: Wendy Rice Seconded: Crystal McKnight

Approved by Consensus

STLP Fundraisers/ Academic Team

Halloween Dance: Moved: Michelle Robinson Seconded: Crystal McKnight

Approved by Consensus

Academic Team

Bake Sale/ Candy Sale: Moved: Wendy Rice Seconded: Deanna Spencer

Approved by Consensus


Suckers: Moved: Michelle Robinson Seconded: Crystal McKnight

Approved by Consensus

6. Actions resulting from Closed Session

We conducted interviews for teacher, instructional assistant, and academic coach. We will make recommendations.

7. Approval to Adjourn Meeting
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Wendy Rice and a second by Ms. Sharon Hall and the consensus of the council.