Campbellsville Independent
January 08, 2018 6:00 PM
January Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Welcome
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Adoption of Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #3792 - Motion Passed:  Motion to accept agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Suzanne Wilson and a second by Ms. Barkley Taylor.

Member Votes
Ms. Pat Hall Yes
Ms. Angie Jo Johnson Absent
Mr. Mitch Overstreet Yes
Ms. Barkley Taylor Yes
Ms. Suzanne Wilson Yes
I.D. Election of Chair
Actions Taken

Order #3793 - Motion Passed:  Suzanne Wilson nominated Pat Hall as Chairperson with Mitch Overstreet seconding the Motion passed with a motion by Ms. Suzanne Wilson and a second by Mr. Mitch Overstreet.

Member Votes
Ms. Pat Hall Yes
Ms. Angie Jo Johnson Absent
Mr. Mitch Overstreet Yes
Ms. Barkley Taylor Yes
Ms. Suzanne Wilson Yes
I.E. Election of Vice-Chair
Actions Taken

Order #3794 - Motion Passed:  Barkley Taylor nominated Suzanne Wilson as Vice-Chair with Mitch Overstreet seconding the Motion passed with a motion by Ms. Barkley Taylor and a second by Mr. Mitch Overstreet.

Member Votes
Ms. Pat Hall Yes
Ms. Angie Jo Johnson Yes
Mr. Mitch Overstreet Yes
Ms. Barkley Taylor Yes
Ms. Suzanne Wilson Yes
I.F. Election of Secretary
Actions Taken

Order #3795 - Motion Passed:  Suzanne Wilson nominated Kirby Smith as Secretary with Angie Johnson seconding the Motion passed with a motion by Ms. Suzanne Wilson and a second by Ms. Angie Jo Johnson.

Member Votes
Ms. Pat Hall Yes
Ms. Angie Jo Johnson Yes
Mr. Mitch Overstreet Yes
Ms. Barkley Taylor Yes
Ms. Suzanne Wilson Yes
I.G. Election of Treasurer
Actions Taken

Order #3796 - Motion Passed:  Suzanne Wilson nominated Chris Kidwell as Treasurer with Angie Johnson seconding the Motion passed with a motion by Ms. Suzanne Wilson and a second by Ms. Angie Jo Johnson.

Member Votes
Ms. Pat Hall Yes
Ms. Angie Jo Johnson Yes
Mr. Mitch Overstreet Yes
Ms. Barkley Taylor Yes
Ms. Suzanne Wilson Yes
II. CISD Recognitions
II.A. Change Awards

Certified Employee - Sharon Harris - CMS Teacher

Classified Employee - Zach Durham - CES Instructional Assistant

Community - First United Methodist Church 

III. Academic Spotlight
III.A. District Librarians' Dialogue

Ms. Suzanne Crowder, CES Librarian, was present and provided the Board the following update:

We’ve trying to get the library accustomed to the two new grade levels and get the collection built up which has been a goal of mine this year. Getting the collection to the needs and interests of the students. For so long, the collection has been more primary based. So that’s been a bulk of what we’ve done this year, add to our non-fiction and fiction collection according to their reading levels and also adding technology according to their levels as well.

I ran the numbers this afternoon and for the first semester right before Christmas break, we have circulated 19,845 items out of CES. So we’re busy! This is circulating them out but that’s also circulating them back in again. The collection is on the move and it is building and ever growing. I try to keep in touch with the teaching staff to find things that the students need to make it more useful for their classrooms.

IV. Communications
IV.A. Board

Ms. Pat Hall, Board Chairperson:

We were able to enjoy Christmas and enjoy some fellowship last month. We have our upcoming trip to Nashville for the Big Picture School. All of the Board members will be able to attend.

I have talked to Mr. Smith and he is already registered for the LEAD and I will be registering as well, which is our legislative day for February 1st.

Mr. Smith has already shared about Mr. Brockman and Campbellsville, as a whole, has lost another very important figure over the Christmas break, Mr. Don Bishop. Mr. Bishop was a Board member for several years, both of his daughters were Campbellsville graduates, and many of us had him in class at Campbellsville University. He taught both of my daughters swim lessons. He is an icon for our area. We want to remember him and his family.

IV.B. Community
IV.C. Staff

CES, CMS and CHS Principals presented a gift to each Board member, Superintendent, Secretary and Treasurer in honor of Board Member Recognition Month.

IV.D. Superintendent Report

Mr. Kirby Smith, Superintendent, updated the Board with the following:

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. 2017 was a great year for our District and I am excited and looking forward to the many great things that are in store for our District in 2018. 

I would like to recognize and welcome to the board meeting my mentor Dr. Fred Carter.

I would like to recognize and thank our board members for their service to the students, teachers, administrators, central office staff and parents of this great District.

o   Ms. Barkley Taylor- starting year 25

o   Ms. Angie Johnson- starting year 19

o   Mr. Mitch Overstreet- starting year 12

o   Ms. Suzanne Wilson- starting year 11

o   Ms. Pat Hall- starting year 10

On December 12th I attended the last day of the KASS conference. It was another chance for me to get to hear Mr. Max Wise and Mr. Bam Carney discuss their take on the upcoming legislative session.  This is going to be one of, if not the toughest legislative session in years.

On that note, I will be attending the GRREC Superintendent Board meeting January 31st, our meeting is going to be held in conjunction with the KSBA LEAD event in Frankfort. Following the board meeting there will be a reception hosted by KSBA for all legislators and those attending the LEAD event.

Before the break the District received a check from Brian Bland of INFAC for $2,000 so if you happen to see Brian or anyone that works at INFAC please extended a thank you to them. That money will be used to purchase more technology for our students.

Mr. Richardson and I have been keeping a close eye on the number of students and staff that are out due to sickness. So far we have been able to stay right around the 90-91% and for this time of year that is not so bad, but if it drops much lower we will have to consider cancelling classes. 

Upcoming Events

o   January 21st – 23rd – School visit to Nashville BIG Picture school

o   February 8th- We are hosting the Chamber Luncheon.

Just received news last week that our 5th grade team of teachers applied for a grant from the Lowe’s Gives Foundation and they have been awarded $5,000. The project name is Active Seating for 5th Grade. So Congratulations to CES and Ms. Rhodes and her 5th grade team of teachers!

IV.D.1. Standard 5: Managerial Leadership
IV.E. Other Communications
V. Consent
Actions Taken

Order #3797 - Motion Passed:  Motion to Approve Consent Items passed with a motion by Ms. Angie Jo Johnson and a second by Mr. Mitch Overstreet.

Member Votes
Ms. Pat Hall Yes
Ms. Angie Jo Johnson Yes
Mr. Mitch Overstreet Yes
Ms. Barkley Taylor Absent
Ms. Suzanne Wilson Absent
V.A. Student Learning and Support
V.A.1. Approve FRYSC School District Assurance Certification FY's 19-20
V.A.2. Approve CES Renovation/Addition Pay Request #017
V.A.3. Approve Funding for ACT Assessment (Sophomores-February 2018 Test)
V.A.4. Approve Conference Registration and Travel Reimbursement for Board Members and Superintendent to Attend KSBA Annual Conference March 2-4, 2018
V.A.5. Approve Nutritional, Fitness and Wellness Policy
V.A.6. Approve Revisions to District's and Schools' Comprehensive Improvement Plans
V.A.7. Adoption of December 11, 2017 Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
V.A.8. Finance Report
V.A.8.a. Bills and Salaries
V.A.8.a.1. Regular Monthly Expenditures
V.A.8.a.2. School Activity Funds
V.A.8.a.3. Personnel Report on Employment Status
V.A.8.a.4. Draft Budget 2018-2019
VI. Discussion and Action
Actions Taken

Order #3798 - Motion Passed:  Motion to Set 2018 Board Meeting Dates passed with a motion by Ms. Angie Jo Johnson and a second by Mr. Mitch Overstreet.

Member Votes
Ms. Pat Hall Yes
Ms. Angie Jo Johnson Yes
Mr. Mitch Overstreet Yes
Ms. Barkley Taylor Absent
Ms. Suzanne Wilson Absent
VI.A. Set 2018 Board Meeting Dates
VII. Adjournment


Actions Taken

Order #3799 - Motion Passed:  Motion to Adjourn Board Meeting at 7:17 p.m. passed with a motion by Ms. Angie Jo Johnson and a second by Mr. Mitch Overstreet.

Member Votes
Ms. Pat Hall Yes
Ms. Angie Jo Johnson Yes
Mr. Mitch Overstreet Yes
Ms. Barkley Taylor Absent
Ms. Suzanne Wilson Absent