Highland-Turner Elem School
September 11, 2024 3:30 PM
HTE SBDM September Regular Monthly Meeting
1. Call to Order
1.a. Roll Call
1.b. Adopt Agenda
2. Consider approval of adjourning to executive session in compliance with KRS 61.810 (1)(f) to discuss/screen/interview applicants for the vacant elementary tutoring position.
3. Consider approval of returning to open session.
4. Action resulting from closed session.
5. Approval of Minutes (August 14th Regular Meeting)
6. Review Vision/Mission Statement
7. Reports for Student Academic Success
7.a. CSIP
7.a.I. Continuous Improvement Diagnostic for Schools
7.a.II. Executive Summary for Schools
7.a.III. School Safety Report
7.b. MTSS Data
7.b.I. Fall 2024 MAP (2nd-6th)
7.b.II. Fall 2024 Acadience (K-4th)
8. Consider Policy Revisions
8.a. Alignment with state standards
8.b. Committees
8.c. Instructional practices
8.d. Wellness
9. Discussions
10. Consider Curriculum
11. Consider Budget
12. Communicating/Sharing - Students, Parents, and Teachers
13. Adjournment