Highland-Turner Elem School
July 25, 2024 12:00 PM
HTE SBDM July Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
1.a. Roll Call
1.b. Adopt Agenda
2. Approval of Minutes (June 14th Regular Meeting)
3. Review Vision/Mission Statement
4. Reports for Student Academic Success
4.a. CSIP
4.a.I. Review 2023-2024 CSIP
4.b. MTSS Data
5. Consider Policy Revisions
5.a. Review/revise HTE Safety and Emergency Plan
5.b. Review/Revise Portable Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use Policy
5.c. SBDM Curriculum Policy
5.d. SBDM Consultation Policy
6. Discussions
6.a. KRS 158.195
6.b. KRS 158.183
6.c. Kentucky Open Records and Open Meetings Act
6.d. Managing Government Records
6.e. SBDM Training Protocol
6.f. Determine regular meeting dates, times, and locations
6.g. Review Final Master Schedule (approved June 2024)
7. Consider Curriculum
8. Consider Budget
9. Communicating/Sharing - Students, Parents, and Teachers
10. Adjournment