Highland-Turner Elem School
November 21, 2019 7:00 AM
Highland Turner Elementary Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Adopt Agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Adoption of agenda passed with a motion by Melissa Smith and a second by Mary Stamper.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Yes
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes
2. Approval of Minutes
2.1. Approval of October 30, 2019 Regular Called Meeting
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of October 30, 2019 regular called meeting passed with a motion by Karen McIntosh and a second by Melissa Smith.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Yes
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes
3. Student Academic Success
3.1. Attendance

Chairperson stated that Highland Turner had been holding steady with attendance; however, they were not meeting the 97% goal for the month.  As we move into the winter months, discussed the importance of disinfecting regularly and discussing with how students can contribute.  

3.2. CSIP Goals

Chairperson reviewed the CSIP goals for Highland Turner and discussed the 30/60/90 day plan to help meet the goals.  

3.2.1. Proficiency, Growth, Achievement GAP, Separate Academic Indicator

Implementing differentiated instruction in a blended environment will increase proficiency levels for reading and math. Proficiency and Growth

Providing quality support and feedback to teachers and students will increase teacher efficacy and student achievement. Achievement Gap

Implementing standards based curriculum and high yield instructional strategies will increase student achievement. SAI


3.3. PBIS Implementation

The second PBIS incentive will take place the Friday before school closed for Christmas Break.  Would like to discuss how we can tie attendance to PBIS.

4. Policy Updates and Revisions
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of the writing policy passed with a motion by Rhonda Cole and a second by Karen McIntosh.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Yes
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes

4.1. Writing Policy

Chairperson discussed the writing policy for the school and discussed the rubric that would be used to score the policy.  

5. Consider Budget

5.1. School Budget

Chairperson shared updates on each school activity fund account along with SBDM budget updates.

5.2. Title I Budget

Chairperson discussed the Title I budget and items that were approved for purchase, substitutes, and travel.  

6. Communication, Sharing from Parents, Teachers, Students

No additional comments were discussed.

7. Adjourn the Meeting
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Adjournment of meeting at 7:45 AM passed with a motion by Karen McIntosh and a second by Melissa Smith.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Yes
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes