Highland-Turner Elem School
June 20, 2019 2:00 PM
Highland Turner Elementary Special Called Meeting
1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 7:15 am by Chairperson.

1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Adopt Agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Adoption of agenda passed with a motion by Mary Stamper and a second by Melissa Smith.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Absent
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes
2. Approval of Minutes
2.1. Minutes from May 23 Meeting
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of minutes passed with a motion by Karen McIntosh and a second by Rhonda Cole.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Absent
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes
3. Interviews for Kindergarten teacher
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Enter closed session for the purpose of interviewing for Kindergarten position passed with a motion by Karen McIntosh and a second by Melissa Smith.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Absent
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes

Motion Passed:  Exit closed session at 4:05 PM after Kindergarten Interviews were completed passed with a motion by Melissa Smith and a second by Mary Stamper.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Absent
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes
4. Student Academic Success
4.1. Chromebooks for 4th grade replacements

The classroom set of 30 Chromebooks are in and already set up for student use.  Old Chromebooks from 4th grade were passed down to 3rd grade to have a classroom set.  Extra Chromebooks will be used in 2nd grade.  

4.2. Attendance

 Discussion of PBIS plan and how attendance can also be tied into the plan.  Ideas of various incentives were discussed for the 2019-2020 school year.  

5. Consider Budget
5.1. Budget for May 2019

Attached budget was discussed for the ending balance of each school activity account.  New revisions of the procedures for spending money from accounts was discussed.  

6. Communication, Sharing from Parents, Teachers, Students
7. Adjourn the Meeting
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Adjournment of the meeting at 4:35 PM passed with a motion by Rhonda Cole and a second by Mary Stamper.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Absent
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes