Highland-Turner Elem School
January 14, 2019 7:15 AM
Site Base Agenda
1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Sabrina McElroy at 7:15 AM. 

1.a. Roll Call
1.b. Adopt Agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adopt agenda passed with a motion by Karen McIntosh and a second by Melissa Smith.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Yes
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes
2. Review Vision/Mission Statement

SBDM read the vision and mission statement.

3. Consider Policy Revisions

Discussions of the changes to the School Writing/Communication Plan to meet guidelines of the KDE Expectations.  No changes where made after the first reading of plan in December 2018.  

3.a. Writing Policy
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Karen McIntosh and a second by Melissa Smith.

Member Votes
Rhonda Cole Yes
Ashley Haddix Yes
Sabrina McElroy Yes
Karen McIntosh Yes
Melissa Smith Yes
Mary Stamper Yes

Motion was made to approve second reading of the updated School Writing/Communication Plan for Highland Turner.

4. Discussions

No discussion items were included in the meeting. 

5. Communicating/Sharing - Students, Parents, and Teachers

No additional information was shared during the meeting.  

6. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Rhonda Cole and a second by Ashley Haddix and the consensus of the council.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:38 am.