Breathitt County
December 10, 2019 5:00 PM
Breathitt County Board of Education Regular Advisory Board Meeting
I. Call to Order.
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance/Mission and Vision
I.C. Review of Commissioner's Approvals
I.D. Adopt Agenda:III.B.13 Consider approval of Title 1 Part D Subpart Grant sub-award FY 2019-2021 allocation for Breathitt Day Treatment Center for $24,000.
Actions Taken

Order #403 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of adoption of the agenda, passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

II. Presentations/Reports
II.A. Student Recognitions
II.B. Staff Recognitions
II.C. Reports
II.C.1. Superintendent Report
II.C.2. Attendance Report
II.C.3. Energy Report
III. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval
Actions Taken

Order #404 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts the consent items listed below passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

III.A.1. Approval of Fundraiser Requests
III.A.1.a. Consider approval of Holiday Bazaar at Highland-Turner Elementary contingent on not interfering with instructional time.
III.A.1.b. Consider approval of PTO Penguin Patch Holiday Store at Sebastian Elementary.
III.A.1.c. Consider approval of SES selling Santa Hats after lunch on December 19,2019 for the School Activity Fund.
III.A.1.d. Consider approval of MRC Christmas Play and Chill Dinner.
III.A.1.e. Consider approval of MRC PTO food drive/String of lights.
III.A.1.f. Consider approval of MRC PTO Christmas store.
III.A.2. Consider approval of the Breathitt High School Girls Basketball team overnight request to Madison Central High School Tournament in Richmond, KY on December 20,2019 and return December 22, 2019.
III.A.3. Consider approval for Breathitt High School Boys Basketball team overnight trip to Williamstown, Kentucky for a basketball tournament on 12/26/2019 until 12-28-2019.
III.A.4. Consider approval Breathitt High School Volleyball overnight trip to Louisville for State Tournament.
III.B.1. Consider approval of minutes of November 19,2019 regular meetings.
Actions Taken

Order #405 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of minutes of November 19,2019 regular meetings passed with a motion by Mr. Albert Little and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.2. Consider approval of November 2019 Treasurer's Report.
Actions Taken

Order #406 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the Treasurer's Report for November 2019 passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

III.B.3. Consider approval of December 2019 bills for payment.
Actions Taken

Order #407 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of December 2019 bills for payment passed with a motion by Mr. Albert Little and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.4. Consider approval of the 2019-2020 CDIP for Breathitt County Schools.
Actions Taken

Order #408 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the 2019-2020 CDIP for Breathitt County Schools passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.5. Consider approval of FY20 Kentucky Academic Standards Professional Learning mini grant in the amount of $10,600.00.
Actions Taken

Order #409 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendations of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of FY20 Kentucky Academic Standards Professional Learning mini grant in the amount of $10,600.00 passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

III.B.6. Consider approval of BSN Sports rewards program (apparel and equipment) with Breathitt County Schools.
Actions Taken

Order #410 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of BSN Sports rewards program (apparel and equipment) with Breathitt County Schools passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.7. Consider approval to shorten school day for student #2120690210.
Actions Taken

Order #411 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval to shorten school day for student #2120690210 passed with a motion by Mr. Albert Little and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.8. Consider approval of school district calendar committee members and approval for calendar committee members to review, develop and recommend school calendar options.
Actions Taken

Order #412 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of school district calendar committee members and approval for calendar committee members to review, develop and recommend school calendar options passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

III.B.9. Consider approval of declaring surplus technology items and authorize disposal through Power House Recycling per State Master Contract.
Actions Taken

Order #413 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of declaring surplus technology items and authorize disposal through Power House Recycling per State Master Contract passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

III.B.10. Consider approval of designating board member, Albert Little, to review bills for clarification prior to board meeting and address any concerns of the board prior to the regular board meeting, for payment in accordance with District policy 04.311.
Actions Taken

Order #414 - Motion Passed:  Based upon recommendation of Superintendent Phillp Watts, approval of designating board member, Albert Little, to review bills for clarification prior to board meeting and address any concerns of the board prior to the regular board meeting, for payment in accordance with District policy 04.311 passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.11. Consider approval of using individual contract services with certified POPS (Peace Officer Professional Standards) officers to provide services to the Elementary Schools and events as needed, not to exceed $15,000 for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
Actions Taken

Order #415 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of using individual contract services with certified POPS (Peace Officer Professional Standards) officers to provide services to the Elementary Schools and events as needed, not to exceed $15,000 for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Albert Little and a second by Ms. Anna Morris.

III.B.12. Consider approval of MOA with the University of Louisville Research Program.
Actions Taken

Order #416 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of MOA with the University of Louisville Research Program passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

III.B.13. Consider approval of Title 1 Part D Sub-part Grant sub-award FY 2019-2021 allocation for Breathitt Day Treatment Center for $24,000.
Actions Taken

Order #417 - Motion Passed:  Based upon the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of Title 1 Part D Subpart Grant sub-award FY 2019-2021 allocation for Breathitt Day Treatment Center for $24,000 passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

IV. Personnel Notifications
V. Informational Items
V.A. Communication/Sharing (All Present)
V.B. School Financial Reports
V.C. School SBDM Reports
VI. Closed Session
VI.A. Consider approval of going into closed session in compliance with KRS 61.810(k) and KRS 156.557(c), for a preliminary (mid-year) discussion regarding the superintendent's evaluation.
Actions Taken

Order #418 - Motion Passed:  Going into closed session at 5:27p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

VI.B. Consider approval of returning to open session.
Actions Taken

Order #419 - Motion Passed:  Resumed open session at 6:08p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. Albert Little.

VII. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #420 - Motion Passed:  There being no further business of the Board, adjournment at 6:09 p.m. passed with a motion by Ms. Anna Morris and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.