Breathitt County
October 23, 2018 5:00 PM
Breathitt County Board of Education Regular Advisory Board Meeting
I. Call to Order.
I.A. Roll Call
Actions Taken

Order #73 - Motion Passed:  Approval of excusing Ruschelle Hamilton from the meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Review of Commissioner's Approvals
I.D. Adopt Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #74 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of adoption of the agenda with the addendum listed below passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

I.D.1. ADDENDUM: Add Item III-B-12. Consider approval allowing Superintendent Watts to set the date, time and location; advertise, and act as the local hearing officer for the public hearing to record public comments on the proposed changes to the District Facility Plan.
II. Presentations/Reports
II.A. Recognitions
II.A.1. Stephen Bowling - 14th Region Volleyball Coach of the Year
II.B. Reports
II.B.1. Superintendent's Report
II.B.2. District Data Release Report
II.B.2.a. Breathitt High School Data Report
II.B.2.b. Highland-Turner Data Report
II.B.2.c. LBJ Data Report
II.B.2.d. Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School
II.B.3. Attendance Report
II.B.4. Health Services Report
III. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval
Actions Taken

Order #75 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the consent items listed below passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

III.A.1. Consider approval of the following requests to use Board Property:
III.A.1.a. LBJ Basketball Camp
III.A.1.b. MRC Basketball Camp
III.A.1.c. HT Basketball Camp
III.A.2. Consider approval of the HT Fund Raiser for the Fall Festival.
III.A.3. Consider approval of FY2019 Energy Plan.
III.A.4. Consider approval of submitting the 21st Century Expansion Grant.
III.B.1. Consider approval of minutes of previous meetings:
III.B.1.a. September 25, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #76 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the September 25, 2018 regular meeting minutes passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

III.B.1.b. October 3, 2018 Special Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #77 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the October 3, 2018 special meeting minutes passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

III.B.2. Consider approval of the September 2018 Treasurer's Report.
Actions Taken

Order #78 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the September 2018 Treasurer's Report passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

III.B.3. Consider approval of October 2018 bills for payment.
Actions Taken

Order #79 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the October 2018 bills for payment passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

III.B.4. Consider approval of the Owner/Contractor Agreements with HR Mechanical and Riverside Electrical for the HT Chiller Project, BG 18-324.
Actions Taken

Order #80 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the Owner/Contractor Agreements with HR Mechanical and Riverside Electrical for the HT Chiller Project, BG 18-324 passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

III.B.5. Consider approval of the Owner/Contractor Agreement with Frederick and May Construction Co. for the SMS Roof Edge Repair Project, BG 18-409.
Actions Taken

Order #81 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the Owner/Contractor Agreement with Frederick and May Construction Co. for the SMS Roof Edge Repair Project, BG 18-409 passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

III.B.6. Consider approval of accepting the low bid from Allen Construction for the Security Vestibules Project, BG 18-364.
Actions Taken

Order #82 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of accepting the low bid from Allen Construction for the Security Vestibules Project, BG 18-364 passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

III.B.7. Consider approval of the BG-4's for the Highland-Turner Chiller Replacement, BG 18-324 - Riverside Electrical and H & R Mechanical Company.
Actions Taken

Order #83 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the BG-4's for the Highland-Turner Chiller Replacement, BG 18-324 - Riverside Electrical and H & R Mechanical Company passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

III.B.8. Consider approval of District Facility Plan, as approved by the Local Planning Committee.
Actions Taken

Order #84 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of District Facility Plan, as approved by the Local Planning Committee passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

III.B.9. Consider approval of E-meeting contracts with KSBA for all schools at $500 per school, allowing them to create, conduct and store all SBDM meeting information.
Actions Taken

Order #85 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of the contracts with KSBA for the E-meeting service for all schools in the amount of $500 per school passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

III.B.10. Consider approval of the contract with Great Minds for Eureka Math and Wit & Wisdom along with the purchase of supplemental materials from Barnes and Noble, contingent on approval from Title I.
Actions Taken

Order #86 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts,approval of the contract with Great Minds for Eureka Math and Wit & Wisdom along with the purchase of supplemental materials from Barnes and Noble, including professional development, contingent on approval from Title I passed with a motion by Mr. George Johnson and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.

III.B.11. Consider approval of registering with, at no cost, in order to take advantage of discounted pricing with participating vendors, including Cintas, for uniforms at the Bus Garage.
Actions Taken

Order #87 - Motion Passed:  Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip Watts, approval of registering with, at no cost, in order to take advantage of discounted pricing with participating vendors, including Cintas, for uniforms at the Bus Garage passed with a motion by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins and a second by Mr. George Johnson.

IV. Personnel Notifications
V. Informational Items
V.A. Communication/Sharing (All Present)
V.B. Day Treatment Center Open House - October 26, 2018 at 9 AM
V.C. School Financial Reports
V.D. SBDM Reports
VI. State Management Report and Recommendation
VII. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #88 - Motion Passed:  There being no further business of the Board, adjournment at 6:38 PM passed with a motion by Mr. John Hollan and a second by Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.