Allen County
March 20, 2023 6:00 PM
ACBOE Regular Meeting March 20, 2023
I. Call to Order
I.A. Prayer
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
I.C. Roll Call
I.D. Adopt Agenda
II. Presentations or Recognitions by the Board
III. Communications
IV. Reports or Updates to Board
IV.A. Principal/School Reports
IV.A.1. ACPC Report
IV.A.2. ACIC Report
IV.A.3. JEBMS Report
IV.A.4. ACSHS Report
IV.B. Director Reports
IV.B.1. Deputy Superintendent - Brian Carter
IV.B.2. Chief Academic Officer - Melissa Biggerstaff
IV.B.3. Human Resources / Transportation - Joseph Cosby
IV.B.4. Exceptional Child Education - Marisa Duarte
IV.B.5. Director of Pupil Personnel - Shane Davis
IV.B.6. Food Service - Robin Herrington
IV.B.7. Facilities / Maintenance - Kelly Grizzle
V.A. General Administration
V.A.1. Approval of the Allen County Board of Education Minutes; Special called meeting 02/06/2023, Working Session 02/20/2023, Regular Meeting 02/20/2023, and Special Called Meeting 03/08/2023.
V.A.2. Approval of ACPC Fundraisers
V.A.2.a. PTO Easter Egg Fundraiser for an outdoor classroom, 03/14/2023 - 04/10/2023.
V.A.3. Approval of ACIC Fundraisers
V.A.3.a. Beta Fundraiser "Egg A Teacher," 03/21/2023 - 04/30/2023.
V.A.4. Approval of JEBMS Fundraisers
V.A.4.a. Middle School Baseball Team hat fundraiser, March 2023 - May 2023.
V.A.5. Approval of ACSHS Fundraisers
V.A.5.a. Hope Adams & Debra Rigsby-Art Club & Beta, Spring Beauty Pageant, Feb. 20th, 2023; Debra Rigsby-Beta, dance concessions, 4/15/2023; Marideth Trammel-DECA, Donations from the community, March 2023-June 2023; Scott Walker-JROTC, Candy Sales, March 2023-June 2023; Debbie Wolfe-Swim, Apparel Sales, December 2023-January 2024; Debbie Wolfe-Swim, Poinsettia Sales, October 2023-December 2023; Joshua Wheat-ACS Musical, "Pie Queen" food truck, March 27th-31st; Shayna Cockrill-Girls Golf, Donations collected, April 2023-June 2023; Joshua Wheat-Drama, Class play donations, May 12th & 13th, 2023; Magen Meador-Sources of Strength, Coin Drive, March 21st-June 30th.
V.A.5.b. Environmental Club, Maegan Renick, Lip Sync Battle, March 27th-31st
V.A.6. Approval of Overnight and/or Out of State Trips
V.A.6.a. ACPC - Art Club Field Trip on 04/27/2023 at Frist Center located in Nashville, Tennessee.
V.A.6.b. JEBMS - The Middle School baseball team will be taking a trip to Macon, Tennessee on 05/01/2023 to play a game.
V.A.6.c. ACSHS Trip Request-Hope Adams-Art Club, Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville, TN. 4/14/2023;Logan Stovall-Environmental Science & Mrs. A Patrick class @ ACPC, Nashville Zoo, Nashville, TN. 4/21/2023; Monica Bean, FBLA State Leadership Conference, The Galt House, Louisville, KY, 4/17/2023-4/19/2023; Scott Walker-JCLC Summer Camp, Wendall H. Ford Regional TNG Ctr., Greenville, KY, 5/31/2023-6/4/2023
V.A.7. Accept FY 23 KETS Second Offer of Assistance in the amount of $25,100.82 and match at the present time.
V.B. Curriculum & Instruction
V.B.1. Grants
V.B.1.a. Acknowledge Review of Grant Updates Report
V.B.1.a.1. March 2023 Grants Report
V.B.1.b. Approval of Grant Applications
V.B.1.b.1. Approval to apply for KDE Reading Diagnostic and Intervention Fund mini-grant
V.B.1.c. Approval to accept the following grants
V.B.1.c.1. Approval to accept the GRREC Deeper Learning mini-grant.
V.B.2. Approval of Shortened School Days for Returning Student
V.B.3. Consider/take appropriate action on Instructure Contract for our Mastery View assessments K-12 and item bank.
V.C. Operations
V.C.1. District Financials
V.C.1.a. Approve Treasurers Report for February 2023 showing a balance of $6,407,980.45
V.C.1.b. Approve the payment of current bills for February 16, 2023 through March 15, 2023 in the amount of $553,715.69
V.C.1.c. Approve the Balance Sheets for February 2023
V.C.1.d. Approve the Monthly Financial Report for February 2023
V.C.1.d.1. ACPC February 2023 Financial Report
V.C.1.d.2. ACIC February 2023 Financial Report
V.C.1.d.3. JEBMS February 2023 Financial Reports
V.C.1.d.4. ACSHS February 2023 Financial Report
V.C.2. Approve renewal of the Copier bid with Toshiba for the 23-24 school year (Year 4 of 5)
V.C.3. Approve Med Center Health Orthopedics & Sports Medicine service agreement for the 23-24 school year (Year 3 of 3).
V.C.4. Approve renewal of the school picture bid with Red Elephant Studio for the 23-24 school year (Year 3 of 3).
V.C.5. Approve the renewal of Banking services with South Central Bank for the 23-24 school year (Year 3 of 4)
V.C.6. Approve renewal of the Yearbook bid with Balfour for the 23-24 school year (Year 2 of 3)
V.C.7. Approve Jordan Clark as Allen County School Districts agent of record for the 23-24 school year (Year 3 of 3)
V.C.8. Approve renewal of the drug testing bid with Occupational Screening for the 23-24 school year.
V.C.9. Acknowledge/Review of changes to Student Drug Testing Procedures 09.423AP.21.
V.C.10. Approval of William Francis and Amanda Francis as volunteers to Chaperon Field Trips for ACPC.
V.D. Personnel
V.D.1. Acknowledge review of monthly Personnel Report
V.D.1.a. Personnel Report - March 2023
V.D.2. Approval of Leaves of Absence per attached report
V.D.2.a. Leave of Absence - March 2023
VI.A. General Administration
VI.A.1. Consider/take appropriate action on Game One-Athletics for ACSHS
VI.A.2. Consider/take appropriate action on Managed Internal Broadband Services Bid of $9,961.20.
VI.A.3. Consider/take appropriate action related 2023-24 School Calendar.
VI.A.4. Consider/take appropriate action to establish a date for the annual finance corporation meeting.
VI.B. Curriculum & Instruction
VI.B.1. Consider/take appropriate action on the 7th and 8th Grade Writing Curriculum.
VI.B.2. Consider/take appropriate action to add a Stipend for Project Prevent Admin Assistant.
VI.B.3. Consider/take appropriate action on updating the Spanish Curriculum for ACSHS.
VI.B.4. Consider/take appropriate action to enter into a with Contract Diehl Consulting Group for Evaluation Services.
VI.B.5. Consider/take appropriate action on the updated quote from AVI in the amount of $175,434 to provide new technology at ACPC and ACSHS.
VI.C. Operations
VI.C.1. Consider/take appropriate action on SCB's pay request for BG 22-296
VII. Superintendent Report
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.A. Consider/take appropriate action to enter into Executive Session per KRS 61.810 (1)(f) for the purpose of discussions or hearings which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee, member, or student without restricting that employee's, member's, or student's right to a public hearing if requested; KRS 61.810 (1)(k) for meetings specified by law to be conducted in private which is pursuant to KRS 156.557 (6)(c) for preliminary discussion relating to the evaluation of the superintendent
VIII.B. Adjourn Executive Session
IX. Action, if any, related to executive session
X. Adjournment