Boyd County
June 18, 2024 6:00 PM
Boyd County Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge to the United States Flag
3. Reading of the Board Goals
4. Adoption of the Agenda
5. Student/Staff Presentations/Recognitions
5.1. Superintendent Boblett and Assistant Superintendent Spade will recognize First Sergeant Dan Meeks and Commander Bernard Potts for the Boyd County High School NJROTC program being awarded School Year 2023-2024 Area 14 Distinguished Unit with Honors:
5.2. Superintendent Boblett and Matt Spade recognized and presented Certificates to the 2023-2024 retirees: Certified Peggy Hughes Paul McKenzie Classified Merry Denny Sherry Flesher Deborah Fryer Greg Johnson Sonia Moore Patricia Moore Gary Vanhoose Cindy Whitt
6. Request to Address Board Chair - Per Board Policy 01.421 and KRS 160.270 (Public Comment) Please keep in mind the Board uses the public comment period as an opportunity to listen to citizen concerns and comments. The board will not debate issues or enter into a question-and-answer dialogue. Under Board policy, your comments are limited to 3 minutes, the Superintendent will track the time.
7. Dialogue
8. Reports/Communications
8.1. Safe Schools Report - Tom Holbrook, Safe School Director
8.2. Transportation Report - Lynn Stambough, Transportation Administrative Secretary
8.3. Maintenance Report - Amanda Christian, Maintenance Administrative Secretary
8.4. Student Attendance - Month 9 and 10 - Dr. Marci Prater, Director of Pupil Personnel
8.5. Insurance Coverage Review - Scott Burchett, District Finance Director
8.6. Data Security Report 2024 - Cindy Pontier, District Chief Information Officer
8.7. Comprehensive District Improvement Plan (CDIP) - Janice Marcum, Chief Academic Officer
8.8. Professional Development Report - Janice Marcum, Chief Academic Officer
8.9. Annual Policies and Procedures Updates(KSBA Draft) - Matt Spade, Assistant Superintendent
8.10. Policies and Procedures for Review - Annual Review in June and July, so will resume in August.
8.11. Construction Project Updates - Jeff Williams, Project Manager for Trace Creek Construction
8.12. Follow-up
8.13. Board Member Follow-Up
9. Action Items
9.1. Review Change Order 01-02 (Demo Block and Install Lintel for New Louver in Gym), 02-02 (Adjust Brick and Stone Detail to Porch Column) and 09-02 (Install New Louver in Gym) for Cannonsburg Elementary project as presented by various contractors; (See Attachments)
9.2. Review Change Order No.04-01(Increase thickness of metal studs); and 11-03(Relocating Existing Light Pole) for Boyd County Career and Technical Center construction project as presented by various contractors; (See Attachment)
9.3. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between Ashland Community and Technical College/Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) and Boyd County Public Schools for Dual Credits during the 2024-2025 school year; (See Attachment)
9.4. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Boyd County Public Schools Homeless Student Enrollment Guidelines as required by Kentucky Department of Education and as presented by Matt Spade, Assistant Superintendent; (See Attachment)
9.5. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Boyd County Public Schools Title 1, Part A Parent and Family Engagement procedures for 2024-2025 as presented by Matt Spade, Assistant Superintendent; (See Attachment)
9.6. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Contract between Boyd County Health Department and Boyd County Board of Education to administer Hepatitis B Vaccine to approximately one hundred (100) new employees to be effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025; (See Attachments)
9.7. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Contract between Boyd County Health Department and Boyd County Board of Education to administer the Hepatitis A Vaccine to approximately fifty (50) food handler employees to be effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025; (See Attachment)
9.8. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Contract between Boyd County Health Department and Boyd County Early Childhood Academy to administer TB Skin tests and TB screenings to approximately fifty (50) volunteers and employees to be effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025; (See Attachments)
9.9. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Contract between Boyd County Health Department and Boyd County Daycares to administer TB Skin tests and TB screenings to approximately fifty (50) employees and volunteers to be effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025; (See Attachments)
9.10. Review the recommendation for Board of Education member, Mike Blankenship, to attend the Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) 2024 Summer Leadership Institute being held at the Sloan Convention Center, Bowling Green, Kentucky July 19 -20, 2024; (See Attachment)
9.11. Pursuant to KRS 160.340, review Board Policy update #47 for 2023 as presented by Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA); (See Attachments)
9.12. Pursuant to KRS 160.340 review Board Administrative Procedure Update #28 for 2023 as presented by Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA); (See Attachments)
9.13. Review Superintendent's recommendation to record the 06/30/2024 fund balances in accordance with GASB 54 per attached Memorandum. Funds 1, 21 and 25 will record Committed balances for SBDM Carry-forward totals and District Activity Fund Carry-forward totals. Funds 2, 310, 320, 360, 400, 51 and 52 will properly reflect the balance of restricted grant funds, amounts escrowed for SFCC and current construction projects debt service and proprietary funds. Funds 1, 2, 310, 320, 360, 51 and 52 will record Assigned balances for Encumbrances. The District Finance Director will determine the amount of Assigned balances; (See Attachment)
9.14. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve Pledges of Collateral for Depository Banks of People's Bank of Marietta, Ohio and Kentucky Farmers Bank of Catlettsburg, Kentucky for a period beginning July 1, 2024, as presented by Scott Burchett; (See Attachments)
9.15. Review Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the fidelity/surety bond in the amount of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars($600,000) with Ohio Casualty Insurance Company for the Boyd County School Board Treasurer for the 2024-2025 school year; (See Attachment)
9.16. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the District Bid Vendor List for 2024-2025; (See Attachment)
9.17. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve EMC for the 2024-2025 Insurance package in the amount of Four hundred one thousand, four hundred twenty-seven dollars ($401,427) and Workers Comp with KEMI at a cost of One hundred seven thousand, seven hundred twenty-three dollars (107,723); (See Attachments)
9.18. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve Tokio Marine in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Fifty-Three Dollars and Forty-Seven Cents ($15,053.47) for the 2024-2025 Cyber Insurance through Houchens Insurance Group; (See Attachment)
9.19. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the School Readiness Plan for Boyd County Early Childhood Academy as submitted by Stephanie Lyons, Director; (See Attachment)
9.20. Review Updated Salary Schedules for the 2024-2025 School Year as presented by Superintendent Boblett;
9.21. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Certified Employee and Classified Employee Payroll Schedules for year 2024-2025; (See Attachments)
9.22. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Substitute Teacher Salary Schedule as presented; (See Attachments)
9.23. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Administrative Salary Supplements Schedule for year 2024-2025; (See Attachment)
9.24. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Extra Service Salary Increments Schedule for year 2024-2025 as presented; (See Attachment)
9.25. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Non-Administrative Salary Increments Schedule for year 2024-2025; (See Attachment)
9.26. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve 2024-2025 Rates for Certified Extended School Services (ESS)/Extra Service, Classified Extended School Services (ESS), Classified Ticket Takers, Bus Driver Overnight Rate and Student Worker Rates as presented; (See Attachment)
9.27. Review request from Bob Higginbotham, Director of Facilities and Operations, to award the bid for garbage collection service for all location for the 2024-2025 school year to Hart Sanitation, Inc. in the amount of Three Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Nine Dollars($3,499); (See Attachments)
9.28. Review recommendation of Cheryl Caldwell, Transportation Director, to approve the Tire bid proposal from S & S Tire, Huntington, West Virginia to supply tires and services as quoted for the 2024-2025 school year; (See Attachments)
9.29. Review recommendation from Cheryl Caldwell, Transportation Director, to award the fuel bid for school year 2024-2025 to John W. Clark Oil, Inc., Ashland, Kentucky; (See Attachments)
9.30. Review Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the School District Application for Expenditure in Excess of Income and Revenue to be provided to the Kentucky Department of Education; (See Attachments)
9.31. Review Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Kentucky Department of Education and the Boyd County Board of Education for a one-time payment of Six Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($645,000) that shall be repaid in full no later than June 30, 2025; (See Attachments)
10. Consent Items
10.1. Consider Financial Report - Scott Burchett, District Finance Director;
10.2. Consider Payment of Bills - Corey Withrow, Accounts Payable Director;
10.3. Consider Minutes of a special board meeting of May 16, 2024;
10.4. Consider Minutes of a regular board meeting of May 28, 2024;
10.5. Pursuant to Board Policy 02.423, Consider minutes of the School Based Decision Making Councils as listed below: Boyd County Early Childhood Academy May 21, 2024 Policy Council Regular Meeting Reports; Boyd County Early Childhood Academy June 11, 2024 Policy Council Special Meeting Reports; Boyd County High School May 30, 2024 SBDM Special Meeting Reports (Closed Session); Boyd County Middle School SBDM May 30, 2024 Special Meeting Reports; Cannonsburg Elementary School SBDM May 13, 2024 Amended Regular Meeting Reports; Cannonsburg Elementary School SBDM June 11, 2024 Special Meeting Reports
11. Acknowledge Personnel Actions by Chairperson
12. Focus of Business/Topics for Next Meeting-Special Board Meeting for the Annual Final/Summative Evaluation by the Board with Superintendent Bill Boblett, per KRS 61.810 Section 1(k);
13. Focus of Business/Topics for Next Meeting - July 23, 2024, 6pm, BCHS
13.1. Reports: Policies/Procedures - KSBA Updates, Second Reading - Matt Spade
13.2. Dialogue: Summative/Final Evaluation of Superintendent Report - Linda Day, Board Chair
13.3. Report: Maintenance Annual Report, Bob Higginbotham, Maintenance Director
13.4. Report: Transportation Annual Report, Cheryl Caldwell, Transportation Director
13.5. Report: Tuition Rate, Marci Prater, DPP
14. Adjourn