Boyd County
May 28, 2024 6:00 PM
Boyd County Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge to the United States Flag
3. Reading of the Board Goals
4. Adoption of the Agenda
5. Student/Staff Presentations/Recognitions
5.1. Superintendent Boblett and Assistant Superintendent Spade will recognize First Sergeant Dan Meeks and Commander Bernard Potts for the Boyd County High School NJROTC program being awarded School Year 2023-2024 Area 14 Distinguished Unit with Honors:
5.2. Superintendent Boblett and Assistant Superintendent Spade will recognize and present a Certificate to Aaron Bowling, Choir Director for a Distinguished Rating at the 2024 KMEA District 8 Choral Assessment;
6. Request to Address Board Chair - Per Board Policy 01.421 and KRS 160.270 (Public Comment) Please keep in mind the Board uses the public comment period as an opportunity to listen to citizen concerns and comments. The board will not debate issues or enter into a question-and-answer dialogue. Under Board policy, your comments are limited to 3 minutes, the Superintendent will track the time.
7. Dialogue
7.1. Dialogue - Cannonsburg and Boyd County Career and Technical Center Construction Project Updates - Jeff Wiliams, Trace Creek Construction
7.2. Dialogue - Tentative Budget - Scott Burchett, District Finance Director (Action Item 9.3)
8. Reports/Communications
8.1. Safe Schools Report - Tom Holbrook, Safe Schools Director
8.2. Transportation Report - Lynn Stambough, Transportation Administrative Secretary
8.3. Maintenance Report - Amanda Christian, Maintenance Administrative Secretary
8.4. Student Attendance - Month 8 - Dr. Marci Prater, Director of Pupil Personnel
8.5. Policies and Procedures for Review CHAPTER 10 - COMMUNITY RELATIONS: 10.2 Committee/Citizen Input; 10.3 Relationships with Community Organizations; 10.4 Advertising in the School; 10.5 Visitors to the Schools; 10.11 Access to Public Records
8.6. Follow-up
8.7. Board Member Follow-Up
9. Action Items
9.1. Review the Superintendent's recommendation to approve the second reading of Kentucky School Board Association Policy 09.12 to remove out of state tuition for non-resident students who are the children of district employees; (See Statement)
9.2. Review the Superintendent's recommendation to approve the second reading of Kentucky School Board Association Policy 09.124 to remove out of state tuition for non-resident students who are the children of district employees; (See Statement)
9.3. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve Tentative Budget for year 2024-2025 as presented by Scott Burchett, District Finance Officer; (See Attachments)
9.4. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Capital Funds Request for 2023-2024 as presented by Scott Burchett, District Finance Officer; (See Attachment)
9.5. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve renewing Cooperative membership with Kentucky Education Development Corporation (KEDC) for the 2024-2025 school year in the amount of Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Dollars and Forty-Eight Cents ($5,660.48); (See Attachments)
9.6. Review the Superintendent's recommendation to approve an Option Nine Agreement between Boyd County School District and Campbellsville University in order to provide an expedited Kentucky teacher certification to participants; (See Attachments)
9.7. Review request from Dara'Su Williams, Special Education Director, to approve a shortened school week for Student #1, 1st Grade student at Cannonsburg Elementary, in accordance with appropriate documentation and per requirement of Kentucky Department of Education procedures; (See Attachments)
9.8. Review Memorandum of Agreement between Midway University Teacher Education Program and Boyd County Public Schools to enhance professional practice for their fieldwork students and student teachers for the 2024-2025 School Year; (See Attachments)
9.9. Review request from Dara'Su Williams, Special Education Director, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Boyd County Schools and Mountain Comprehensive Care Center, Prestonsburg, Kentucky, to provide school-based behavioral health services as needed/requested to students effective August 1, 2024 to July 1, 2025; (See Attachments)
9.10. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Funding invoice letter to The Division of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers in the amount of Three Hundred Thirty-Six Thousand Two Hundred Ten Dollars and no cents ($336,210.00) for the Catherine Newton Youth Services Center, Family Resource Center-East and Family Resource Center-West; (See Attachments)
9.11. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve Request from Lani Thacker, Food Service Director, for all full time and substitute cook/bakers working the 2024 Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) to receive a two-dollar ($2.00) per hour increase on their current pay rate; (See Attachment)
9.12. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve Request from Lani Thacker, Food Service Director, to participate in the Division of School and Community Nutrition Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) offered by the USDA's National School Lunch Program and follow all federal regulations for the program; (See Attachments)
9.13. Review Change Order 06-01 (Gym Coping Detail), 07-01 (Added Dishwasher), 09-01 (Existing Water Vault and Kitchen Plumbing), and 10-01 (Gear Credit and Added Electrical Work) for Cannonsburg Elementary project as presented by various contractors; (See Attachments)
9.14. Review request from Bob Higginbotham, Maintenance Director, to surplus a zero-turn mower and a Front mower which are no longer operable; (See Attachment)
9.15. Review Superintendent's recommendation to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) Program and Boyd County High School for the 2024-2025 school year; (See Attachment)
9.16. Review recommendation from Dr. Marci Prater, Director of Pupil Personnel, to allow the early Kindergarten entrance for two underage students, Student # 1 and Student # 2,for the 24-25 School Year; (See Attachments)
9.17. Review and approve Trip Request from Tippi Thompson, Leah Dixon and Dennee Sizemore, Boyd County Middle School teachers, for the 2024-2025 Eighth grade students to travel to Washington, DC March 25 - 27, 2025 through Nations Classroom. Departure times, mode of transportation, etc. to be determined closer to date.
10. Consent Items
10.1. Consider Financial Report - Scott Burchett, District Finance Director
10.2. Consider Payment of Bills - Corey Withrow, Accounts Payable Director
10.3. Consider Minutes of a regular board meeting of April 23, 2024
10.4. Consider minutes of a special board meeting of April 30, 2024;
10.5. Pursuant to Board Policy 02.423, Consider minutes of the School Based Decision Making Councils as listed below: Boyd County High School May 13, 2024 SBDM Council Regular Meeting Reports; Boyd County Middle School April 15, 2024 SBDM Council Regular Meeting Reports; Boyd County Middle School May 13, 2024 SBDM Council Regular Meeting Reports Boyd County Early Childhood Academy April 23, 2024 Policy Council Meeting Reports: Cannonsburg Elementary April 22, 2024 SBDM Council Special Meeting Reports; Cannonsburg Elementary May 13, 2024 SBDM Council Regular Meeting Reports; Catlettsburg Elementary May 16, 2024 SBDM Council Regular Meeting Reports; Ponderosa Elementary May 14, 2024 SBDM Council Regular Meeting Reports; Summit Elementary April 23, 2024 SBDM Council Regular Meeting Reports
11. Acknowledge Personnel Actions by Chairperson
12. Focus of Business/Topics for Next Meeting - June 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
12.1. Dialogue - Policies and Procedures (KSBA Draft) 1st Reading - Matt Spade, Assistant Superintendent
12.2. Report - Insurance Coverage Review - Scott Burchett, District Finance Director
12.3. Data Security Report 2024 - Cindy Pontier, District Chief Information Officer
13. Adjourn