Boyd County
March 14, 2023 6:00 PM
Boyd County Board of Education Site-Based Decision-Making Councils Dialogue
1. The Boyd County Board of Education met to dialogue with the following Site-Based Decision-Making (SBDM) Councils at Boyd County Middle School, 1226 Summit Road, Ashland, Kentucky in the cafeteria at 6:00pm: Boyd County High Ramey-Estep High Boyd County Central Boyd County Middle
2. Called Meeting to Order by Randy Stapleton, Vice Chairperson
3. Pledge to the United States Flag
4. Reading of the Board Goals
5. Adoption of the Agenda
6. Dialogue
6.1. Boyd County High School School-Based Decision-Making Council and Tom Holbrook, Principal
6.2. Ramey-Estep High School, Boyd County Central and Paul McKenzie, Principal
6.3. Boyd County Middle School School-Based Decision-Making Council and Dr. Shawn Thornbury, Principal
7. Focus of Business/Topics for Next Meeting
7.1. Next regular Board meeting - Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 6pm, BCHS
8. Adjourn