Wayne County
June 20, 2024 6:00 PM
Regular Meeting Template
1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Larry Muse. Also Present were Don Neal, Superintendent and Gordon Germain, Board Counsel.

2. Public Comments

Lou Ann Flanagan with KEA, requested explanation of Agenda Item 18.F. regarding Substitute Teachers.

3. Recognition
4. Superintendent's Report and Instructional Issues
Don Neal
5. Approval of Extended Grant Funding for ATC
Recommended Motion

Approval of Extended Grant Funding for ATC

Actions Taken

Order #159 - Motion Passed:  Approval of $30,000 in funding for the Wayne County Area Technology Center (WC ATC) Special Education part time positions for the 2024-2025 school year. passed with a motion by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.


 John Kinnett, principal of Wayne County Area Technology Center (WC ATC) presented to the board information of pilot project grant totaling $140,000 this past school year. Mr. Kinnett stated WC ATC was one of four participating schools who took advantage of this grant opportunity.

The Grant provides Special Education Teachers part time positions as a result Mr. Kinnett noted, “This program helped our kids tremendously.” He praised his teacher’s efforts to promote student success through this grant.

 He was efficient on who he chose to implement this program, so he did not have to take any existing teachers out of the classroom. 



6. Discussion and Potential Approval for Land Acquisition BG-1
Recommended Motion

Discussion and Potential Approval for Land Acquisition BG-1


Mr. Justin Alley, Buildings, Grounds, and Maintenace Coordinator requested this item be moved/added for discussion in executive session (Agenda Item #19).

7. Approval of Driver Education Position for One Hundred (100) Days Contract
Recommended Motion

Approval of Driver Education Position for One Hundred (100) Days Contract

Actions Taken

Order #160 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Driver Education Position for One Hundred (100) Days Contract passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.

8. Approval of Amended 2024-2025 Salary Schedule (Reflecting 15 Extended days for Math Coach)
Recommended Motion

Approval of Amended 2024-2025 Salary Schedule (Reflecting 15 Extended days for Math Coach)

Actions Taken

Order #161 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Amended 2024-2025 Salary Schedule (Reflecting 15 Extended days for Math Coach) passed with a motion by Mr. Jarrod Criswell and a second by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 169.

9. Approval of Second Amendment of 2023-2024 School Calendar (Reflecting Early Dismissal on May 8th-Weather)
Recommended Motion

Approval of Second Amendment of 2023-2024 School Calendar (Reflecting Early Dismissal on May 8th-Weather)

Actions Taken

Order #162 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Second Amendment of 2023-2024 School Calendar (Reflecting Early Dismissal on May 8th-Weather) passed with a motion by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch and a second by Mr. Larry Muse.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 170.

10. Approval of a Capital Funds Request in the Amount of $119,095.00 for Property Insurance
Recommended Motion

Approval of a Capital Funds Request in the Amount of $119,095.00 for Property Insurance

Actions Taken

Order #163 - Motion Passed:  Approval of a Capital Funds Request in the Amount of $119,095.00 for Property Insurance passed with a motion by Mr. Jarrod Criswell and a second by Mr. Larry Muse.

11. Approval of Pay Request # 16 for the Wayne County High School Gym Indoor Quality Improvement Project (BG 22-222) in the Amount of $ 34,247.06
Recommended Motion

Approval of Pay Request # 16 for the Wayne County High School Gym Indoor Quality Improvement Project (BG 22-222) in the Amount of $ 34,247.06

Actions Taken

Order #164 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Pay Request # 16 for the Wayne County High School Gym Indoor Quality Improvement Project (BG 22-222) in the Amount of $ 34,247.06 passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Joe Hancock.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 171.

12. Approval of Pay Request # 5 for the Wayne County Bell Elementary HVAC Renovation Project (BG 23-333) in the amount of $ 328,510.52
Recommended Motion

Approval of Pay Request # 5 for the Wayne County Bell Elementary HVAC Renovation Project (BG 23-333) in the amount of $ 328,510.52

Actions Taken

Order #165 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Pay Request # 5 for the Wayne County Bell Elementary HVAC Renovation Project (BG 23-333) in the amount of $ 328,510.52 passed with a motion by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 172.

13. Approval of Change Order # 6-1-1 for the Wayne County High School Gym Indoor Air Quality Improvement Project (BG 22-222) contingent upon KDE'S approval of change order
Recommended Motion

Approval of Change Order # 6-1-1 for the Wayne County High School Gym Indoor Air Quality Improvement Project (BG 22-222) contingent upon KDE'S approval of change order

Actions Taken

Order #166 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Change Order # 6-1-1 for the Wayne County High School Gym Indoor Air Quality Improvement Project (BG 22-222) contingent upon KDE'S approval of change order passed with a motion by Mr. Jarrod Criswell and a second by Mr. Larry Muse.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 173.

14. Approval of a Contract with Cumberland Family Medical Center, Inc to Facilitate the School Health Plan for the 2024-2025 School Year
Recommended Motion

Approval of a Contract with Cumberland Family Medical Center, Inc to Facilitate the School Health Plan for the 2024-2025 School Year

Actions Taken

Order #167 - Motion Passed:  Approval of a Contract with Cumberland Family Medical Center, Inc to Facilitate the School Health Plan for the 2024-2025 School Year passed with a motion by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch and a second by Mr. Larry Muse.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 174.

15. Approval to Renew a Contract with SMART Systems for Sanitation Services and Cleaning Supplies Program
Recommended Motion

Approval to Renew a Contract with SMART Systems for Sanitation Services and Cleaning Supplies Program

Actions Taken

Order #168 - Motion Passed:  Approval to Renew a Contract with SMART Systems for Sanitation Services and Cleaning Supplies Program passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Joe Hancock.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 175.

16. Approval to Declare nine (9) buses and three (3) SV'S as Salvaged Property
Recommended Motion

Approval to Declare nine (9) buses and three (3) SV'S as Salvaged Property

Actions Taken

Order #169 - Motion Passed:  Approval to Declare nine (9) buses and three (3) SV'S as Salvaged Property passed with a motion by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch and a second by Mr. Joe Hancock.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 176.

17. Approval to Declare Technology Department Items (Chromebooks and Computers) as Surplus Property
Recommended Motion

Approval to Declare Technology Department Items (Chromebooks and Computers) as Surplus Property

Actions Taken

Order #170 - Motion Passed:  Approval to Declare Technology Department Items (Chromebooks and Computers) as Surplus Property passed with a motion by Mrs. Melissa Upchurch and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 177.

18. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #171 - Motion Passed:  Approval of items on the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.

18.A. Approval of First Reading of KSBA Policy Update # 47
Recommended Motion

Approval of First Reading of KSBA Policy Update # 47


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 178.

18.B. Reading and Approval of KSBA Procedure # 28
Recommended Motion

Reading and Approval of KSBA Procedure # 28


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 179.

18.C. Approval of the Assignment of Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) and 504 Chairs for Each School

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 180.

18.D. Approval of Proportionate Share of Federal Funds for Private School IDEA-B Services for the 2024-2025 School Year

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 181.

18.E. Approval of Contracts with Angela Broyles and Chris Lovelace for Psychological Evaluations

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 182.

18.F. Approval of Applications for Emergency Certifications for Approximately Sixty (60) Substitute Teachers for the 2024-2025 School Year
18.G. Approval of a Contract with Timothy Nelson/MCP Orientation and Mobility Services, LLC for Orientation and Mobility Services

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 183.

18.H. Approval of Shortened School Days/Weeks for Student to Receive Doctor Requested Therapy per Students' IEP
Recommended Motion

Approval of Shortened School Days/Weeks for Student to Receive Doctor Requested Therapy per Students' IEP


A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 184.

18.I. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
18.J. Approval of Claims and Wages

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 185.

18.K. Approval of Treasurer's Report

A copy may be found in the Minute Abstract Files # 186.

19. The Board Will Move into Executive Session to Discuss the Superintendent's Evaluation According to KRS 61.915 and KRS 61.810
Recommended Motion

Approval to Move into Executive Session to Discuss the Superintendent's Evaluation According to KRS 61.915 and KRS 61.810

Actions Taken

Order #172 - Motion Passed:  Approval to Move into Executive Session to Discuss the Superintendent's Evaluation According to KRS 61.915 and KRS 61.810 passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.

20. The Board Will Return to Open Session According to KRS 61.915 and KRS 61.810
Recommended Motion

Approval to Return to Open Session According to KRS 61.915 and KRS 61.810

Actions Taken

Order #173 - Motion Passed:  Approval to Return to Open Session According to KRS 61.915 and KRS 61.810 passed with a motion by Mr. Joe Hancock and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.

Order #174 - Motion Passed:  After discussion in executive session approval of letter to Kentucky Department of Education to inspect and review proposal of land acquisition of approximately 2.4 acres of land adjoining Wayne County School Campus passed with a motion by Mr. Jarrod Criswell and a second by Mr. Larry Muse.

21. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

Adjournment of the meeting

Actions Taken

Order #175 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment of the meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Muse and a second by Mr. Jarrod Criswell.