Todd County
July 09, 2012 7:00 PM
Regular Template
I. Call to Business
II. Invocation/Pledge to Flag
III. Recognition/Spotlight
III.A. Recognize 2011-2012 Retirees'
IV. Update on Instruction
V. Communication
V.A. Financial Report
V.B. Superintendent's Report
V.B.1. Report of Personnel Action
V.B.2. Attendance Update
V.B.3. Assessment Update
V.B.4. Interventions/Special Education Update
VI. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #1182 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adopt consent agenda as written passed with a motion by Mr. Eugene Wells and a second by Mr. Rudell Morrow.

VI.A. Approve minutes of previous meeting
VI.B. Approve financial report
VI.C. Approve field trips
VI.D. Approve fundraisers
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Approve Staff Authorization List to Sign Purchase Orders
Actions Taken

Order #1183 - Motion Passed:  The staff authorization list to sign purchase orders for 2012-2013 school year passed with a motion by Ms. Amy Frogue and a second by Ms. Shannon Martin.

VII.B. Approve Food Service Produce Bid
Actions Taken

Order #1184 - Motion Passed:  The Food Service Produce Bid for 2012-2013 school year passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Mr. Rudell Morrow.

VII.C. Approve BG-4 for Todd County Middle School Partial Re-Roof Project
Actions Taken

Order #1185 - Motion Passed:  The BG-4 (final project close-out)for Todd County Middle School Partial Re-Roof Project passed with a motion by Ms. Amy Frogue and a second by Ms. Shannon Martin.

VII.D. Approve Creating Part-time Trainer Position, "Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS)"
Actions Taken

Order #1186 - Motion Passed:  The creation of a part-time trainer position, "Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS)", to be paid a $2500 stipend, funded through Race-to-the-Top funds passed with a motion by Mr. Rudell Morrow and a second by Ms. Shannon Martin.

VIII. Audience Comments
IX. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #1187 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn passed with a motion by Mr. Eugene Wells and a second by Mr. Rudell Morrow.