Todd County
January 09, 2012 7:00 PM
Regular Template
I. Call to Business
II. Invocation/Pledge to Flag
II.A. Annual Reorganization of Board for 2012 Calendar Year
III. Recognition/Spotlight
III.A. January - "School Board Member Recognition Month"
III.B. National Board Certification: Shannon Bailey, Stephanie Conquest, Tiffany Jenkins, Heather Kaminski
IV. Update on Instruction
V. Communication
V.A. Financial Report
V.B. Superintendent's Report
V.B.1. Report of Personnel Action
V.B.2. Attendance Update
V.B.3. Assessment Update
V.B.4. District Improvement Plan Update
V.B.5. Interventions/Special Education Update
V.B.6. KEAT Report
VI. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #1088 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adopt consent agenda as written passed with a motion by Ms. Amy Frogue and a second by Mr. Eugene Wells.

VI.A. Approve minutes of previous meeting
VI.B. Approve financial report
VI.C. Approve field trips
VI.D. Approve fundraisers
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Approve Representative to Attend "KIDS First in Frankfort"
Actions Taken

Order #1089 - Motion Passed:  The approval of board representative to attend "KIDS First in Frankfort" Advocacy Conference and Lobbying Day, February 23-24, 2012 passed with a motion by Mr. Eugene Wells and a second by Mr. Rudell Morrow.

VII.B. Approve Attendance at GEAR-UP Conference
Actions Taken

Order #1090 - Motion Passed:  The attendance at GEAR-UP Conference for Coordinator, Ray Wheeler, in New York City, February 11-15, 2012 passed with a motion by Mr. Eugene Wells and a second by Ms. Shannon Martin.

VII.C. Approve Attendance at National Migrant Education Conference
Actions Taken

Order #1091 - Motion Passed:  The attendance for Laura Voth at the National Migrant Education Conference in Portland Oregon, April 29-May 2, 2012, to be paid from Migrant Funds, passed with a motion by Ms. Amy Frogue and a second by Mr. Rudell Morrow.

VII.D. Approve Todd County Schools Nutrition & Physical Activity Report Card
Actions Taken

Order #1092 - Motion Passed:  The Nutrition & Physical Activity Report Card for Todd County Schools passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Ms. Amy Frogue.

VII.E. Approve North Todd Elementary School Surplus List
Actions Taken

Order #1093 - Motion Passed:  The surplus list for North Todd Elementary School passed with a motion by Mr. Eugene Wells and a second by Ms. Shannon Martin.

VII.F. Approve SFCC Offer Of Assistance
Actions Taken

Order #1094 - Motion Passed:  The School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) Offer of Assistance in the amount of $15,716 passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Ms. Amy Frogue.

VII.G. Approve Todd County Schools Draft Budget for 2012-2013 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #1095 - Motion Passed:  The Draft Budget for Todd County Schools for 2012-2013 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Rudell Morrow and a second by Mr. Eugene Wells.

VII.H. Approve Date for Board Worksession
Actions Taken

Order #1096 - Motion Passed:  Setting the date for Board Worksession passed with a motion by Ms. Amy Frogue and a second by Mr. Rudell Morrow.

VIII. Audience Comments
IX. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #1097 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn passed with a motion by Mr. Eugene Wells and a second by Mr. Rudell Morrow.