Todd County
September 08, 2014 6:00 PM
Regular Template
I. Call to Business
II. Invocation/Pledge to Flag
III. Recognition/Spotlight
III.A. North Todd Elementary School Presentation
IV. Update on Instruction
V. Communication
V.A. Mr. Tim Murley Presentation on "Leading to Learn" grant.
V.B. Financial Report
V.C. Superintendent's Report
V.C.1. Report of Personnel Action
V.C.2. Attendance Update
V.C.3. Assessment Update
VI. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #1520 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adopt consent agenda as written passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Ms. Amy Frogue.

VI.A. Approve minutes of previous meeting
VI.B. Approve financial report
VI.C. Approve field trips
VI.D. Approve fundraisers
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Approve Todd County Schools Surplus List
Actions Taken

Order #1521 - Motion Passed:  Todd County Schools Surplus List passed with a motion by Mr. Howard Gorrell and a second by Mr. Matt Perry.

VII.B. Approve Todd County Schools 2014-2015 Working Budget
Actions Taken

Order #1522 - Motion Passed:  Todd County Schools 2014-2015 Working Budget passed with a motion by Mr. Rudell Morrow and a second by Ms. Shannon Martin.

VII.C. Approve Revised 2014-2015 Salary Schedule
Actions Taken

Order #1523 - Motion Passed:  Revised 2014-2015 Salary Schedule passed with a motion by Ms. Amy Frogue and a second by Mr. Howard Gorrell.

VII.D. Approve Revisions Recommended by KDE for District Evaluation Plan
Actions Taken

Order #1524 - Motion Passed:  Revisions recommended by KDE for Todd County School District Evaluation Plan passed with a motion by Mr. Rudell Morrow and a second by Mr. Matt Perry.

VII.E. Approve Todd County Schools Out-of-State Tuition Rate for 2014-2015 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #1525 - Motion Passed:  Todd County Schools Out-of-State Tuition Rate for 2014-2015 School Year passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Mr. Rudell Morrow.

VII.F. Approve Todd County Public Schools Life Threatening Food Allergy Guidelines
Actions Taken

Order #1526 - Motion Passed:  Todd County Public Schools Life Threatening Food Allergy Guidelins passed with a motion by Mr. Howard Gorrell and a second by Mr. Rudell Morrow.

VII.G. Approve Attendance to the "Teach Me to Talk" conference in Evansville, IN
Actions Taken

Order #1527 - Motion Passed:  Attendance to the "Teach Me to Talk" conference in Evansville, IN on September 18, 2014 passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Ms. Amy Frogue.

VII.H. Approve Out-of-State Field Trip for AP English Class at TCCHS on February 26, 2015
Actions Taken

Order #1528 - Motion Passed:  Out-of-State field trip for AP English Class at TCCHS to see Hamlet play at TPAC in Nashville passed with a motion by Mr. Howard Gorrell and a second by Mr. Matt Perry.

VII.I. Approve Services with Pennyroyal Mental Health Center
Actions Taken

Order #1529 - Motion Passed:  Services with Pennyroyal Mental Health Center passed with a motion by Ms. Amy Frogue and a second by Mr. Howard Gorrell.

VII.J. Approve Shortened school days for two Todd County Central High School Students and one Todd County Middle School Student
Actions Taken

Order #1530 - Motion Passed:  Shortened school days for two Todd County Central High School students and one Todd County Middle School student passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Mr. Howard Gorrell.

VIII. Audience Comments
IX. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #1531 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn passed with a motion by Mr. Howard Gorrell and a second by Mr. Matt Perry.