Scott County
April 19, 2018 6:30 PM
Regular Monthly Meeting (#7.a.)
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome
3. Agenda Approval
4. Recognition: Coach Steve Helton, 11th Region Coach of the Year; D.T. Wells, Athletic Director of the Year; Coach Billy Hicks, Founders Coach Award & Courier Journal Boys Basketball Coach of the Year; DECA National Qualifiers
5. Public Comment
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Minutes for Regular Board Meeting #6 (March 22, 2018)
6.B. Common Carrier
6.B.a. Ratify - Approve the use of common carrier services (Wombles Transportation) to provide transportation for SCHS Social Studies students to and from Kentucky Center for the Arts, Louisville, KY, April 17, 2018
6.B.b. Approve the use of common carrier services (Southwest Airlines) to provide transportation for ECS HOSA students to and from Dallas, Texas, June 26-July 1, 2018
6.C. Leave Requests
6.D. Personnel Report
6.E. Energy Report
6.F. Field Trip Report
7. Construction Report
8. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing a Contract, Rent and Lease with the Scott County School District Finance Corporation
9. Approval to Recess Regular Monthly Meeting to Convene to the Special Meeting of the Scott County School District Finance Corporation
10. Reconvene to Regular Session
11. Consider Approval of Bids for Creekside Elementary School
12. Consider Approval to Revise BG-1 for Creekside Elementary School
13. Approve Change Order for Cameras
14. Approve Change Order for Benches (Credit)
15. Approve Change Order for Access Control System, Door Hardware and Duplicated Materials (Credit)
16. Approve Change Order for Building Code Plan Changes
17. Board Discussion on Interior Windows and Doors
18. Declare Items as Surplus: Equipment Surplus (Food Service)
19. Approve Student Meal Prices for 2018-2019 School Year
20. Approve Summer Feeding Program (Summer 2018)
21. Student Achievement Report
22. Report to the Board-Scott County Middle College
23. Approve Non-Traditional Instruction Plan for submission to KDE for the 2018-19 School Year
24. Approve Release of MAP Data to UK College of Education Evaluation Center
25. Create one (1.0) FMD Teacher position at SCHS for 2018-19 School Year
26. Create one (1.0) Certified Interventionist position at Garth Elementary School (school funded)
27. Create one (1.0) Paraeducator position at Garth Elementary School (school funded)
28. Create one (1.0) Paraeducator position at RSMS (allocation)
29. Create one (1.0) Kindergarten Teacher position at Stamping Ground Elementary (school funded)
30. Create one (1.0) Kindergarten Paraeducator position at Stamping Ground Elementary (school funded)
31. Create one (1.0) ESL Teacher position for the 2018-19 School Year
32. Create two (2) ESL Paraeducator positions for the 2018-19 School Year
33. Create one (1.0) Gifted & Talented Teacher position for the 2018-19 School Year
34. Approve Volleyball Assistant Position Funded Through Boosters
35. Approve Agreement between UK Singletary for the Arts and SCBOE for the SCHS 33rd Annual Ice Cream Concert
36. Review Administrative Procedure 09.4281 AP.2
37. Bus Driver and Classified Employee Physicals and Administration of the Board's DOT Substance Abuse Program
38. Renew Drug Testing Services
39. Bond Paying Agent for Series 2018 Bond Issue
40. Approve Pay Date Schedule and Accounts Payable Schedule for FY 2018-2019
41. Renew School Treasurer/Bookkeeper Bonds
42. Renew Fidelity Bond on the Board's Treasurer and Director of Accounting
43. Approve FY 2019 SBDM/Section 6 Allocation
44. Approve Fiscal 2018 Financial Audit Contract
45. Financial Statement
46. Approve Current Bills
47. Review and Approval of Monthly Expenses of the Superintendent
48. Superintendent's Report
49. Board Comments
50. Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(b) to Discuss Property
51. Reconvene to Regular Session
52. Possible Action Following Executive Session (If needed)
53. Adjournment