Scott County
March 02, 2017 6:30 PM
Work Session
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Board Chair Kevin Kidwell
2. Welcome: Mr. Kidwell welcomed those in attendance.
3. School Board Self-Assessment
4. Approve the Final Construction Documents and BG-3 for the (BG#17-077) SCMS Turf and Track Replacement
5. Authorize Clotfelter-Samokar to Set a Bid Date and Advertise for Bids Subject to KDE Approval
6. Salary Schedules
7. Brief Overview of SPGES
8. Board Member Comments
9. Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(b) and (c) to discuss the potential sale or acquisition of real property where premature publicity of the same could affect the value or price of the property.
10. Reconvene to Regular Session
11. Possible action taken following Executive Session (If Needed)
12. Adjournment