Russell Independent
June 24, 2024 6:00 PM
Russell Independent Regular Board Meeting
I. Call To Order

Mr. Whitt called the Regular Meeting of the Russell Independent Board of Education to order at 6:00 p.m.

I.A. Moment of Silence

Mr. Whitt led those in attendance in a Moment of Silence.

I.B. Pledge to the United States Flag

Mr. Whitt led those in attendance in the Pledge to the United States Flag.

I.C. District Mission Statement

Our mission is to inspire and empower all students to reach their maximum potential: one student, one lesson, one day at a time.


Progressing into the future…

Our Students are our top priority.

 Our School Family plays a crucial role in student development, achievement, and success.

 Our Parents are supportive partners and are essential in the advancement of each student.

 Our Community shares our desire to develop highly skilled and productive citizens.

 Our Technology enables our students to reach beyond the classroom.

 Our Culture inspires leadership and excellence.

 Our Academics focus on rigorous standards and global success.

II. Adopt the Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #68178 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Judy Ledford and a second by Mr. John Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
III. Delegations

Procedures for Addressing the Board of Education

The Russell Independent School District Board of Education encourages attendance at meetings of the Board of Education.  The Board of Education understands that from time to time the public may wish to share opinions with them at these meetings.  Procedures for speaking to the Board of Education are detailed below:


·      Those who wish to address the Board of Education must sign the Delegation sheet provided prior to each Regular Meeting.  This sheet can be found beside the Board Agenda on a podium near the entrance of the room.


·      Generally, in the first ten minutes of the Meeting, the Board Chair will ask for delegations.  At this time please state your name, the name of the organization or group that you are representing, and the subject that you would like to address.  Please keep in mind that issues regarding a specific school should be shared with Principal and/or Site Based Decision Making Council, as that is the governing body for that school.


·      Individuals may address the Board of Education for a maximum of 5 minutes, as determined by the Board Chair.


·      The Board Chair reserves the right to intervene in order to maintain order and to ensure the expedient conduct of the Board’s business.


·      Comments to the Board should be stated in a professional manner.  Accusations and/or disparaging remarks about individuals will not be permitted. 

IV. Recognitions/Achievements/Reports
V. Notification of Personnel Matters

Personnel for Board Information Only in accordance with KRS 160.390 (2)

VI. Regular Business
VI.A. Approval of Minutes of the May 28, 2024 Regular Meeting
Actions Taken

Order #68179 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the minutes from the May 28, 2024 Regular Meeting passed with a motion by Mr. John Jones and a second by Ms. Judy Ledford.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VI.B. Treasurer's Report
Actions Taken

Order #68180 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Treasurer's Report showing a balance of $8,277,549.48 passed with a motion by Mr. Sean Whitt and a second by Mr. Terry Vest.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VI.C. Payment of Accounts Payable and Payroll
Actions Taken

Order #68181 - Motion Passed:  Approval of payment of Accounts Payable and Payroll passed with a motion by Ms. Judy Ledford and a second by Mr. John Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VII. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #68182 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Terry Vest and a second by Ms. Judy Ledford.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VII.A. Approval of 2024-2025 MOA for ACTC dual credit courses
VII.B. Approval of 2024-2025 ARC Chairpersons
VIII. New Business
VIII.A. Consider approval of the creation of a Head Wrestling Coach at RMS and Asst. Coach positions for RMS Boys Soccer, RMS Girls Soccer, RMS Football
Actions Taken

Order #68183 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the creation of a Head Wrestling Coach at RMS and Asst. Coach positions for RMS Boys Soccer, RMS Girls Soccer, RMS Football passed with a motion by Mr. Terry Vest and a second by Mr. Sean Whitt.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.B. Consider First Reading of Annual Policy & Procedure Updates
Actions Taken

Order #68184 - Motion Passed:  First Reading of Annual Policy & Procedure Updates passed with a motion by Mr. Terry Vest and a second by Mr. John Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.C. Consider approval of Professional Service Agreements with FunWorks Pediatric Therapy, Karen White, Mountain Comprehensive Care Center, Ramey-Estep Homes Inc./Re-Group, Paige Smith Therapeutics, PLLC, East Kentucky Psychological Resources, Pathways and Spectrum Care beginning July 1, 2023 and concluding June 30, 2025
Actions Taken

Order #68185 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Professional Service Agreements with FunWorks Pediatric Therapy, Karen White, Mountain Comprehensive Care Center, Ramey-Estep Homes Inc./Re-Group, Paige Smith Therapeutics, PLLC, East Kentucky Psychological Resources, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Education and Labor Cabinet and Pathways Inc. beginning July 1, 2023 and concluding June 30, 2025 passed with a motion by Mr. Sean Whitt and a second by Ms. Judy Ledford.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.D. Consider approval of Safe Crisis Management Trainer Stipend
Actions Taken

Order #68186 - Motion Passed:  Approval of a Safe Crisis Management Trainer Stipend of $700 passed with a motion by Mr. Terry Vest and a second by Mr. John Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.E. Consider approval of Cyber Liability Insurance Quote
Actions Taken

Order #68187 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Cyber Liability Insurance at a cost of $15,825,85 passed with a motion by Mr. Sean Whitt and a second by Mr. Terry Vest.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.F. Consider approval payment of Athletic Expenses over budget
Actions Taken

Order #68188 - Motion Passed:  Approval payment of $6,776.78 Athletic Expenses over budget passed with a motion by Mr. Terry Vest and a second by Mr. John Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.G. Consider approval of Bond of Depository
Actions Taken

Order #68189 - Motion Passed:  Award Bond of Depository to City National Bank passed with a motion by Ms. Judy Ledford and a second by Mr. Sean Whitt.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.H. Consider approval of submitted Booster Fundraisers
Actions Taken

Order #68190 - Motion Passed:  Approval of submitted Booster Fundraisers passed with a motion by Mr. John Jones and a second by Mr. Terry Vest.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.I. Consider Stipends for listed RECLC employees to be paid from ARP Childcare Sustainability Grant
Actions Taken

Order #68191 - Motion Passed:  Approval of listed stipends for RECLC employees to be paid from ARP Childcare Sustainability Grant passed with a motion by Mr. John Jones and a second by Mr. Terry Vest.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.J. Consider Preschool Community Stipends to be paid from the Preschool Partnership Grant
Actions Taken

Order #68192 - Motion Passed:  Approval Preschool Community Stipends as listed to be paid from the Preschool Partnership Grant passed with a motion by Mr. Sean Whitt and a second by Ms. Judy Ledford.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.K. Consider payment of uncollectible food service charge balances of $7,683.16
Actions Taken

Order #68193 - Motion Passed:  Approval to pay $7,683.16 in uncollectible food service charge balances passed with a motion by Mr. John Jones and a second by Mr. Sean Whitt.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.L. Consider approval of updated Breakfast and Lunch Pricing for the 2024-2025 school year
Actions Taken

Order #68194 - Motion Passed:  Approval of $1.25 Breakfast Pricing for all students and Lunch Pricing of $2.80 for P-5th grade students and $3.00 for 6th-12th grade students beginning with the 2024-2025 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Sean Whitt and a second by Mr. John Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.M. Review of Procedure 09.14 AP.24 and 02.4331 AP.11
Actions Taken

Order #68195 - Motion Passed:  Review of Procedures 09.14 AP.24 and 02.4331 AP.11 passed with a motion by Mr. John Jones and a second by Ms. Judy Ledford.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.N. Consider 2024-2025 Salary Schedules
Actions Taken

Order #68196 - Motion Passed:  Approval of a 2% raise to the 2024-2025 Salary Schedule for Certified, Classified and Administrative Positions passed with a motion by Mr. Terry Vest and a second by Ms. Judy Ledford.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.O. Consider removal of the 6-year experience limitation on the District Salary Schedule for Classified Employees hired on or after July 1, 2024
Actions Taken

Order #68197 - Motion Passed:  Approval to remove the 6-year experience limitation on the District Salary Schedule for Classified Employees hired on or after July 1, 2024 passed with a motion by Mr. Sean Whitt and a second by Ms. Judy Ledford.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
VIII.P. Consider appointment of Board of Education Member to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Debbie Finley
Actions Taken

Order #68198 - Motion Passed:  Appointment of Mr. Paul Pack to the Russell Independent Board of Education with a term expiring on December 31, 2024 passed with a motion by Ms. Judy Ledford and a second by Mr. John Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes
IX. Updates and Information
IX.A. Student Enrollment/Attendance Reports
IX.B. Meeting Reminder-July 22, 2024
IX.C. SBDM Information
IX.D. Cards/Letters
X. Superintendent's Progress Reports/Updates
XI. Other Business and Information
XII. Closing
Actions Taken

Order #68199 - Motion Passed:  Meeting adjournment at 6:57 p.m. passed with a motion by Mr. Terry Vest and a second by Ms. Judy Ledford.

Member Votes
Mr. Sean Whitt Yes
Ms. Judy Ledford Yes
Mr. John Jones Yes
Mr. Terry Vest Yes