Pikeville Independent
July 18, 2022 6:00 PM
Pikeville Independent Board of Education Special Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment
III. Student Achievement
III.A. Student/Staff Recognition
III.B. PES Principal's Report
III.C. PHS Principal's Report
III.D. District Administrator Reports
IV. Action/Consent Items
Actions Taken

Order #1897 - Motion Passed:  Motion to approve all action/consent items as presented passed with a motion by Dr. Kevin Pugh and a second by Mrs. Brittany Ratliff.

IV.A. Excuse absence of Kevin Pugh at the June 21, 2022 Regular Meeting
IV.B. Approve Minutes of the June 21, 2022 Regular Meeting
IV.C. Approve Bills, Payrolls, and Financial Reports for the period June 22, 2022 to July 18, 2022
IV.D. Ratify Transportation/Trip Requests
IV.D.1. PHS Engineering Students to Lexington, KY July 11-14, 2022
IV.E. Approve Transportation/Trip Requests
IV.E.1. PHS Girls Soccer to Campbellsville, KY on July 22-24, 2022
IV.F. Approve 2022-2023 School Nurse Contract with Pike County Health Department
IV.G. Approve Positions to Chair ARC Meetings
IV.H. Approve 2022-2023 School Fees
IV.I. Approve KVEC Food Service Bids
IV.J. Approve 2022-2023 Certified Evaluation Plan
IV.K. Approve Shawne Wells as District Representative on Certified Evaluation Appeals Committee
IV.L. Approve Contract with Mary Elizabeth Doyle for Psychological Services
IV.M. Approve Surplus Property - Technology Equipment
IV.N. Approve 2022-2023 School Based Services Agreement with Mountain Comprehensive Care
IV.O. Approve SBDM Carryovers: PHS $18,220 / PES $6,470
IV.P. Approve Amended 2022-2023 Classified Salary Schedule
V. Action/Discussion Items
V.A. KSBA Policy Update - Second Reading
Actions Taken

Order #1898 - Motion Passed:  Approve KSBA Policy updates passed with a motion by Mrs. Brittany Ratliff and a second by Mrs. Ashley Brown.

V.B. Police Force
Actions Taken

Order #1899 - Motion Passed:  Approve the establishment of a police department for the school district pursuant to KRS 158.471 with two officers passed with a motion by Mrs. Brittany Ratliff and a second by Dr. Kevin Pugh.

V.C. KSBA Policy Update - First Reading
VI. Information/Review Items
VI.A. Personnel Report
VI.B. Miscellaneous
VII. Closed Session
Actions Taken

Order #1900 - Motion Passed:  Closed session passed with a motion by Mrs. Ashley Brown and a second by Mrs. Brittany Ratliff.

VIII. Return to Regular Session
Actions Taken

Order #1901 - Motion Passed:  Motion to return to regular session passed with a motion by Mrs. Ashley Brown and a second by Mrs. Brittany Ratliff.

IX. Superintendent Evaluation
Actions Taken

Order #1902 - Motion Passed:  Approve Superintendent Evaluation passed with a motion by Dr. Kevin Pugh and a second by Mrs. Brittany Ratliff.

X. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #1903 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Mrs. Ashley Brown and a second by Mrs. Brittany Ratliff.