Pikeville Independent
September 25, 2018 6:00 PM
Pikeville Independent Board of Education Special Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Action/Discussion Items
II.A. 2018 Property Tax Rates
Actions Taken

Order #1539 - Motion Passed:  Approve 2018 Property Tax Rate of 74.0 cents with 5.8 cents restricted for categorical priorities listed in the approved district facilities plan for participation in the SFCC, and to approve the 2019 motor vehicle and watercraft tax rate of 79.3 passed with a motion by Mrs. Ashley Brown and a second by Ms. Ann Carty.

III. Closed Session
Actions Taken

Order #1540 - Motion Passed:  Closed session passed with a motion by Ms. Ann Carty and a second by Mrs. Ashley Brown.

IV. Return to Regular Session
Actions Taken

Order #1541 - Motion Passed:  Motion to return to regular session passed with a motion by Ms. Ann Carty and a second by Mrs. Ashley Brown.

V. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #1542 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Ms. Ann Carty and a second by Mrs. Ashley Brown.