Pendleton County
January 30, 2023 6:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Approve Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #23-10185 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to accept the agenda with Mr. Buerkley's request to delete item D--Bus Engine Replacement and an addition requested by Mrs. Griffin as Item D--Acceptance of Resignation of Board Member passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Mission Statement
I.D. Moment of Silence
II. Organization of Board
II.A. Elect Board Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #23-10186 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Mrs. Schack for Mrs. Griffin to be chairman passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

II.B. Elect Board Vice Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #23-10187 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation by Mrs. Beebe for Mrs. Schack to be vice chairman passed with a motion by Mrs. Amber Beebe and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

III. Communications
III.A. Audience Comments
III.B. Board Member Comments
III.C. Superintendent Report
III.D. Board Member Appreciation Recognition
III.E. Personnel Actions
III.F. Written Communications & Reports
III.F.1. DPP Report
III.F.2. Transportation Monthly Trip Report
III.F.3. SBDM Minutes
III.F.4. FRYSC Reports
III.F.5. Quarterly Reports
III.F.6. Public Relations Report
III.G. Wellness Hearing/Nutrition/Physical Activity Report Cards
III.H. Maintenance & Technology Reports
III.I. Monthly Financial Report
IV. Action Agenda
IV.A. RFP for Architect Services

Attached please find a memo from our Director of Finance and Human Resources, Mrs. Jennifer Pierce, regarding an RFP for architectural services.

In order to be in compliance with 702 KAR 4:160 Section 4 we advertised for architectural services utilizing the Kentucky Department of Education's Request for Proposal form.  We received two proposal packages which are attached.  

Based on our review of the proposals and level of satisfaction with our current vendor we recommend that the board accept the RFP submitted by Robert Ehmet Hayes and Associates, PLLC.  


Actions Taken

Order #23-10188 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to accept the RFP for Architect Services passed with a motion by Mrs. Amber Beebe and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.B. BG1--Sharp Middle School Project

Attached is the BG-1 (23-321) for the Sharp Middle School project. All BG-1s must be approved by the local board and the minutes or an “order” from the board minutes must be available upon request by KDE. The BG-1 is then sent to the Kentucky Department of Education, District Facilities Branch for review and approval.  Once approved by the Facilities Branch it is then forwarded to the Finance Branch for review.  Once final approval is given, the district will receive a letter documenting approval and next steps.

I would recommend approval of the BG-1 for the Sharp Middle School project.  

Actions Taken

Order #23-10189 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to accept the BG1 passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.

IV.C. STAR Assessment

Attached is a memo from our Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs. Laura Pugh, regarding the purchase of Renaissance Learning STAR Assessment for the high school.

We have been using the Renaissance Learning STAR Assessment to monitor student progress and predict student performance on the state assessment in grades K-8.  Changes to the accountability system show a need for this assessment at the high school level.   STAR has provided a quote of $9440.50 that will allow the high school to utilize the assessment for the remaining part of this school year and all of the 2023-2024 school year.

I would recommend the board approve the purchase of Renaissance Learning STAR assessment for Pendleton County High School.

Actions Taken

Order #23-10190 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to accept the purchase of the STAR assessment for PHS passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mr. Kevin Barnard.

IV.D. Acceptance of Board Member Resignation


Actions Taken

Order #23-10191 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to accept the resignation of board member Karen Delaney effective January 30, 2023 passed with a motion by Mr. Kevin Barnard and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.

V. Discussion
V.A. School Presentations
V.A.1. Northern Elementary
V.A.2. Southern Elementary
V.B. 2023-24 Draft Budget
VI. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #23-10192 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Buerkley's recommendation to accept the consent agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Laura Schack and a second by Mrs. Amber Beebe.

VI.A. Board Meeting Minutes
VI.B. Orders of the Treasurer
VI.C. Treasurer Report
VI.D. Leave of Absence Requests
VII. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #23-10193 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to adjourn passed with a motion by Mrs. Amber Beebe and a second by Mrs. Laura Schack.