Nelson County
May 02, 2013 11:00 AM
Nelson County Regular Template
I. Call to Order
Board Chair

Pledge of Allegiance


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

                     BOARD MISSION STATEMENT

The NELSON COUNTY BOARD of EDUCATION, representatives of our citizens
 and entrusted with their children,
 pledges to support the mission of the
by setting visionary direction through effective policy, oversight
 and efficient resource management.



II. Changes to the Agenda
III. Student/Employee Performance
Supt. Orr
IV. Student/Employee Recognition
Supt. Orr
V. Operations Consent Agenda
Board Chair
V.A. Information: Personnel Actions
V.B. Tenure/Continuing Contract 2013-2014
V.C. Treasurer's Report
V.D. Bills and Claims
V.E. MUNIS Report
V.F. Leaves of Absence
V.G. Minutes from Previous Meeting
V.H. Overnight/Out-of-State Trips
V.I. Educational Enhancement Opportunity Request

A student has requested to attend the Louisiana Beta Conference.  All five Kentucky State Officers have been invited and this trip will be paid for by Kentucky Beta.  The Beta Club promotes academic achievement, the development of leadership and community service.

VI. Student Support Services
Board Chair
VI.A. Head Start Memorandum of Agreement
Cheryl Pile

It is recommended that the Board approves the proposed Memorandum of Agreement for Special Education Services between Nelson County Schools and Central Kentucky Head Start.  The purpose of the agreement is to ensure Nelson County Schools and Central Kentucky Head Start work as a team in their shared responsibilities as defined by federal and state laws.

VI.B. Tentative Budget 2013-2014
Tim Hockensmith

Tentative Budget 2013-2014

VI.C. Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline, 2013-2014
Sara Wilson

Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline, 2013-2014

VII. Student Instructional Services
Board Chair
VII.A. CDIP Update
Tim Beck/Stephanie Koontz

CDIP Update

VIII. Guest Comments
Board Chair

Guest Comment Policy
Any person wishing to address the Board may do so by following these rules:
Individuals representing themselves are limited to 3 minutes.
Individuals representing a group are limited to 5 minutes.
Please step up to the microphone, state your name and address, and, if you represent a group, state the name of the group you are representing.

IX. Adjourn Regular Session
Board Chair
X. Convene Executive Session
XI. Adjourn Executive Session
XII. Reconvene Regular Session
XIII. Adjourn Regular Session