Nelson County
October 04, 2012 11:00 AM
Nelson County Working Session
I. Call to Order
Board Chair

Pledge of Allegiance


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

                     BOARD MISSION STATEMENT

The NELSON COUNTY BOARD of EDUCATION, representatives of our citizens
 and entrusted with their children,
 pledges to support the mission of the
by setting visionary direction through effective policy, oversight
 and efficient resource management.



II. Changes to the Agenda
III. Student Support Services
Board Chair
III.A. Change Orders
Supt. Orr

In regards to change order #33 board members asked what type of hand dryers were installed and the type.

It was commented on that savings were acheived by installing a black track instead of red at TNHS and NCHS, painting and fencing.

III.B. Final Payouts
Supt. Orr

There were no questions in regards to the final payouts.

IV. Student Instructional Services
Board Chair

Mr. Frank Hall asked about a possible board policy that allows retired staff/board members to obtain a permanant athletic pass to events. He also would like to have a copy of our district map and out of district students. Mr. Hall asked that Mr. Rodney Nokes be asked to attend the November board work session to include him in academic discussions. Superintendent Orr will take of these requests for him.

IV.A. Preparation for Kentucky’s Unbridled Learning Assessment and Accountability
Tim Beck/Stephanie Koontz

Stephanie Koontz and Tim Beck, Executive Directors of Instruction discussed the new assessment and accountability system. They explained that the K-Prep results will not be available until the end of October. They plan on bringing K-Prep and College/Career Readiness results to the November board work session. It was explained that the scoring scale will be different, it will be based on 100, instead of 140. Also, AFGR/Gap/Growth will now be included to calculate scores. This new scoring will allow schools to monitor and compare all "types" of students.

They explained that the new standards are focused on college and career readiness and are more rigorous. Superintendent Orr commented that Nelson County Schools are one of the first to start using the common core standards this year. We are one year ahead of the rest of them. He also stated that the scoring will be done at the state level instead of organized groups. Schools will be scored with a number instead of a pass/fail.

Mr. Nicky Rapier asked if parents were being notified of academic needs or changes. Mr. Tim Beck commented that this is usually done at the school administration level. He also wanted to know what percentage of parents are signed up and active users of the infinite campus parent portal. Superintendent Orr stated that he will get that information to board members. Mr. Damon Jackey stated that we need to push the use of infinite campus parent portal and parent involvement for better communication.

V. Guest Comments
Board Chair

Guest Comment Policy
Any person wishing to address the Board may do so by following these rules:
Individuals representing themselves are limited to 3 minutes.
Individuals representing a group are limited to 5 minutes.
Please step up to the microphone, state your name and address, and, if you represent a group, state the name of the group you are representing.


Diane Berry, Bardstown, KY shared that she agreed that communication was the key to success.

VI. Adjourn Regular Session
Board Chair
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn the Regular Session of the Nelson County Board of Education was passed with a motion by Mr. Adam Wheatley and a second by Mr. Larry Pate.

VII. Convene Executive Session
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Action to convene an Executive Session of the Nelson County Board of Education per KRS 61.810(1)(F), appointment, discipline or dismissal of employee or student was passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mr. Frank Hall.

VIII. Adjourn Executive Session
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Action to adjourn the Executive Session of the Nelson County Board of Education was passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mr. Larry Pate.

IX. Reconvene Regular Session
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Action to reconvene the Regular Session of the Nelson County Board of Education was passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mr. Larry Pate.

X. Adjourn Regular Session
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Action to adjourn the Regular Session of the Nelson County Board of Education was passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mr. Frank Hall.