Nelson County
June 07, 2012 11:00 AM
Nelson County Working Session
I. Call to Order
Board Chair

Pledge of Allegiance


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

                     BOARD MISSION STATEMENT

The NELSON COUNTY BOARD of EDUCATION, representatives of our citizens
 and entrusted with their children,
 pledges to support the mission of the
by setting visionary direction through effective policy, oversight
 and efficient resource management.



II. Changes to the Agenda
III. Student Support Services
Board Chair
III.A. Construction Update
Supt Orr/Todd Sanders

Site-Lines update at TNHS.

III.B. Change Orders
III.C. Final Payouts
Todd Sanders
III.D. Custodial Contract with GCA
Supt. Orr
III.E. Treasurer's Bond
Supt. Orr
III.F. 2012-2013 CKEC/KEDC Membership
Supt. Orr

CKEC/KEDC Membership for 2012-2013.  Attached you will find an invoice for the costs associated with membership in CKEC and KEDC. Membership in CKEC and KEDC provides us with opportunities through group purchasing, professional development and special education etc. That would otherwise not be available.

III.G. Declare 2001 Taurus and Van as Surplus
Supt. Orr
III.H. Salary Book
Supt. Orr
III.I. Policies and Procedures
Sara Wilson
III.J. Student Handbook
Sara Wilson
IV. Student Instructional Services
Board Chair
IV.A. Overview of Summer PD Activities
Mark Thomas
V. Guest Comments
Board Chair

Guest Comment Policy
Any person wishing to address the Board may do so by following these rules:
Individuals representing themselves are limited to 3 minutes.
Individuals representing a group are limited to 5 minutes.
Please step up to the microphone, state your name and address, and, if you represent a group, state the name of the group you are representing.

VI. Adjourn Regular Session
Board Chair
VII. Convene Executive Session
VIII. Adjourn Executive Session
IX. Reconvene Regular Session
X. Adjourn Regular Session