Middlesboro Independent
May 21, 2024 5:00 PM
Middlesboro Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
I. Call to order
I.A. Pledge to the Flag
I.B. Adopt Agenda of May 21, 2024 Regular Meeting
II. Communications
II.A. Board Members
II.B. Superintendent
II.B.1. Superintendent's Report on Personnel
II.C. Students
II.D. Citizens
II.E. GEAR UP - Shelly Lewis & Buffy Dunnaville
II.F. Ben Slusher - Athletics Report 2023/2024
II.G. Construction Progress Report
II.H. Jamie Johnson - D.P.P. Attendance Update
III. Targeted Discussion/Dialogue
III.A. Recommend the board Approve a 6% raise for Certified Staff and $1.50 on the hour for Classified Staff
III.B. Recommend the Board Approve Certified Hourly Rate of $40.00 hour for 2023-2024 Summer Programs
III.C. Recommend the Board Approve superintendent's assurances statement "As a condition of receiving federal ESEA funds, I certify that Middlesboro Independent School District has no policy that prevents, or otherwise denies participation in, constitutionally protected prayer in public schools"
III.D. Recommend the Board Approve Payment to First State Financial, Middlesboro, in the amount of $220,895.93 for School Facilities Construction Commission bond June 1, 2015 (MHS Renovation) Principal $168,231.00 - Interest $52,664.93
III.E. Recommend the Board Approve Performance Bond for Ava Wilder for Finance Officer and Treasurer with Commonwealth Risk Solutions in the amount of $335.94
III.F. Recommend the Board Approve Kentucky Educational Development Corporation (KEDC) 2024-2025 Cooperative Membership Agreement in the amount of $3,127.59
III.G. Recommend the Board enter into a Contract and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Bell Whitley Head-start/Preschool for the 2024-2025
III.H. Recommend the Board Approve Amended Calendar for 2023-2024
III.I. Recommend the Board Adopt Tentative Working Budget 2024-2025
III.J. Recommend the Board create the position of Elementary Curriculum and Instructional Coach position
III.K. Recommend the Board Approve job description for Elementary Curriculum and Instructional Coach
III.L. Recommend the Board Approve Agreement with Elevation Therapy, LLC from July 1, 2024 thru June 30, 2025
IV. Student Learning Support and Consent Items
IV.A. Recommend the Board Approve Minutes of April 16, 2024 Regular Meeting
IV.B. Recommend the Board Approve Financial Reports as presented from Middlesboro High School, Middle School and Elementary School
V. Student Support Services
V.A. Recommend the Board Approve Cafeteria Report
V.B. Recommend the Board Approve Financial Report
V.C. Recommend the Board Approve Bills
VI. Informational Items
VII. Board Calendar - Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office Building
VIII. Recommend the Board Enter into Executive Session Personnel KRS 61.810 (1)(f)
IX. Recommend the Board Exit Executive Session Personnel KRS 61.810 (1)(f)
X. Adjourn