Call to Order/Roll Call
Randy Phillips
Amber Franceschi, District 1
Larry Yeager, District 2
Billy Montgomery, District 3
Cliff Prewitt, District 4
Randy Phillips, District 5
Pledge of Allegiance
Jason Booher
Approval of Agenda
Randy Phillips
The agenda is being presented for approval. Any changes are to be made at this time.
1. Superior Titan Award- A student from each school (Mercer Elementary, Mercer Co. Intermediate School, King Middle, and Mercer County Senior High School) will be recognized each month at the board of education meetings for their efforts in the classroom, leadership skills and attitude. The student award recipient must meet the following guidelines:
- Perfect attendance during the month student(s) are being observed.
- Completed all homework assignments and tests.
- Passing grade.
- No discipline issues.
- Demonstrates good leadership skills.
- Exhibits a winning attitude and spirit toward learning and peers.
Mercer County Elementary School - Anamarie Woods
Mercer County Intermediate School – Reed Rowland
King Middle School – Henry Bell
Mercer County Senior High School – Luke Best
2. Other Student Recognitions:
3. Staff Recognitions:
Public Participation
Randy Phillips
Pursuant to Board Policy 01.421, persons wishing to address the Board must first be recognized by the Chairperson and stand behind the podium. An individual or group granted the privilege of being heard must give his/her name, address, and reason for speaking. The Chairperson may rule on the relevance of the topic to the Board's Agenda, and will set the time limit to three (3) minutes but not to exceed fifteen (15). The Board will only act on/respond to items on the published agenda. If you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, you must first meet with the Superintendent.
At this time the board will receive comments from the public.
This section of the agenda is reserved for reports only, no action will be taken.
Finance Officer's Report
Amber Minor
Ending GF Cash Balance:
o $ 6.14 million as opposed to $5.01 million last year at the same time.
? General Fund Revenue:
o Overall revenue increased 4% compared to the prior year at the same time.
o Receipts received in the year were 4% lower as opposed to the prior year at the same time.
? General Fund Expenditures:
o Up 2% compared to the prior year at the same time.
o Expenses of $1.6 million in September
Attendance/Enrollment Report
Esther Hayslett
The DPP will report to the board at this time.
Personnel Report
Jason Booher
KRS 160.390; KRS 160.38; KRS 160.370 The Superintendent is responsible for all personnel actions including hiring, assignments, transfer, dismissal, suspension, reinstatement, promotion, and for reporting these actions to the board of education (KRS 160.390 (1)). All appointments, promotions and transfers of principals, supervisors, teachers, and other school employees shall be made only by the Superintendent of schools, who shall notify the Board of the action taken (KRS 160.380(2a)).
Student Board Member Report
Emily Chunglo
Middle School Principal Report
All Principals
Jason Bryant will report to the board at this time.
Superintendent's Report
Jason Booher
The Superintendent will report to the board at this time.
Consent Agenda
Randy Phillips
“Consent Agenda” items are voted on with one motion and one vote.
These are, typically, items that happen on a regular basis, are annual fees, or routine items in doing business.
The board may discuss any item they wish.
The board has the option to pull any item out for a separate vote.
Board Meeting Minutes
Randy Phillips
Amber Minor
Randy Phillips