Beechwood Independent
August 12, 2024 5:45 PM
Tax Hearing
I. Call to Order

The mission of Beechwood Independent School District is to provide innovative education grounded in tradition.  Our educational vision is to inspire students to embrace responsibility, productivity and compassion of a global community.  Our vision is communicated to students, faculty, and our community by various media from the printed word to the internet and is exemplified by our district slogan:  Innovative education grounded in tradition.

I.A. Call to Order / Roll Call
I.B. Staff Members Present
I.C. Public Comment

Each Person wishing to address the Board of Education must sign in.  When called upon to speak the person who speaks should stand, give his/her name and group he/she represents, and then address his/her comments directly to the Board of Education Chairperson.

II. Discussion and Action Agenda
II.A. Adoption of Tax Rate

Under the provisions of KRS 160.470, the Beechwood Independent Board of Education recommends a 4% tax increase over the compensating tax rate for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year of 79.9 cents on real property, 91.3 cents on personal property.  The tax is expected to produce $7,363,567 in real and personal property tax revenue.  In addition, the Board recommends a flat tax on motor vehicles of 57.4 cents.


Recommended Motion

Beechwood Independent Board of Education recommends a 4% tax increase over the compensating tax rate for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year of 79.9 cents on real property, 91.3 cents on personal property. The tax is expected to produce $7,363,567 in real and personal property tax revenue. In addition, the Board recommends a flat tax on motor vehicles of 57.4 cents

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Beechwood Independent Board of Education recommends a 4% tax increase over the compensating tax rate for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year of 79.9 cents on real property, 91.3 cents on personal property. The tax is expected to produce $7,363,567 in real and personal property tax revenue. In addition, the Board recommends a flat tax on motor vehicles of 57.4 cents passed with a motion by Mr. Bradford Hood and a second by Ms. Norine Sullivan.

III. Agenda in Official Board Minutes
Recommended Motion

Approval of making the agenda part of the official board minutes

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of making the agenda part of the official board minutes passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Stricker and a second by Mrs. Amy Sleet.

IV. Adjourn
Recommended Motion

Motion to adjourn the meeting

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Ms. Norine Sullivan and a second by Mr. Bradford Hood.