Menifee County
January 21, 2021 5:30 PM
Menifee County Board of Education Special Called Meeting
I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Adopt Agenda
III. Presentations
III.A. Student Recognitions/Staff Recognitions
III.B. Reports
III.B.a. Treasurer Reports
III.B.a.1. MUNIS Balance Sheets
III.B.a.2. Monthly Financial Report
III.B.a.3. Bank Reconciliation
III.B.a.4. Cash Flow Statement
III.B.b. Technology Report
IV. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval
IV.A.a. Board Minutes
IV.A.b. Subsequent Claims, Current Claims and Salaries (Bills for Payment)
IV.A.c. Approve Wellness Policy
IV.A.d. Approve the 2021/2022 Calendar Committee
IV.A.e. Approve Continuing Audit Contract with Summer, McCreary & Sparks 2021-2022
IV.A.f. Approve Intent to Apply for Federal Funds for 2021-2021 School Year
IV.A.g. Approve Staff Policy 2021-2022
IV.A.h. Approve 2021-2022 Non-Resident Contracts with Bath, Fleming, Montgomery, Morgan, Powell, Rowan, and Wolfe.
IV.A.i. Approve Creating Position for Additional Student Advocate
IV.A.j. Approve BG-4 20.228 for the High School Bleachers
IV.A.k. Approve Revised BG-1 20.228 for High School Bleachers
IV.B.a. Approve 2021-2022 Draft Budget
IV.B.b. Approve Naming Tim Eaton as the Hearing Officer for the District Facilities Plan
V. Personnel Notification
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Monthly Community Report
VI.B. Principal Update/Instructional Support
VI.C. SBDM Minutes
VI.C.a. Botts Elementary
VI.C.b. Menifee Elementary
VI.C.c. Menifee High School
VII. Adjournment