Bath County
September 18, 2023 7:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion and possible action on approving tonight's agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve tonight's board agenda as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes
3. Pledge of Allegiance & Silent Devotion
4. Student Spotlight- Bath County High School
5. Superintendent & Board Communication
5.a. Personnel Actions
5.b. Fundraisers
6. Discussion and possible action on approving the following items:
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the minutes from August 21, and September 5, 2023, August Financial Statement, Claims, Superintendent expenditures, Travel, Use of Facility, Review of all monthly financial reports of all funds, Pay bills through September 30, 2023, Fiscal year 2024 working budget, postage machine agreement with Central Business Systems, Inc., Migrant MOA, and the TAR report passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes
6.a. Minutes - August 21 & September 5, 2023
6.b. August Financial Statement
6.c. Claims
6.d. Superintendent Expenditures
6.e. Travel
6.f. Use of Facility
6.g. Review of all monthly financial reports of all funds
6.h. Pay bills through September 30, 2023
6.i. FY24 Working Budget
6.j. Postage Machine Agreement with Central Business Systems, Inc.
6.k. Migrant MOA
6.l. TAR Report
Dr. Emily Barber
7. Public Comments
8. Discussion and possible action on the Special Inspections Proposal for the BCHS LAVEC project BG # 22-520
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve Special Inspections Proposal for the BCHS LAVEC project BG # 22-520 passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Mr. Eric Conkright.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes
9. Discuss and possible action on approving the Special Inspections invoice from LE Gregg for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations project, BG#22-376.
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motions to approve the Special Inspections invoice from LE Gregg for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations project, BG#22-376 passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes
10. Discussion and possible action on the Approval of Topographic Survey revised proposal of $13,665 from Thoroughbred for an additional $2,665 to locate underground utilities for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations project, BG#22-376.
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the Topographic Survey revised proposal of $13,665 from Thoroughbred for an additional $2,665 to locate underground utilities for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations project, BG#22-376. passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes
11. Discussion and possible action on approving the Topographic Survey invoice from Thoroughbred for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations project, BG#22-376.
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the Topographic Survey invoice from Thoroughbred for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations project, BG#22-376. passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes
12. Discussion and possible action in 2024-25 School Calendar Committee Formation
Mrs. Liz Watkins
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the 2024-25 School Calendar Committee Formation passed with a motion by Ms. Brenda Holder and a second by Mrs. Barbara Razor.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes

Motion Passed:  Motion to appoint Barbara Razor on the 2024-25 calendar committee as the board representative passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes
13. Discussion and possible action to set Tax Hearing date
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to set the 2024-25 rate, discussion will be compensating with the nickel tax hearing date for October 12, 2023, at 6 p.m. to be located at the BCMS cafeteria this will include a tour of the middle school passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes
14. Other Business
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to create a temporary teaching position at CES for the 2023-24 school year due to the classroom numbers/size passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Mr. Eric Conkright.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes
15. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn at 7:38 p.m. passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mrs. Barbara Razor Yes