Bath County
July 25, 2023 6:00 PM
Board of Education Special Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion and action on appointing a vice-chair for the remainder of 2023
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to appoint Brenda Holder as vice chair for the remainder of 2023 passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Mr. Eric Conkright.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Absent
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
3. Discussion and possible action on change order requests for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations Project - BG22-376
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to wait on any action on PR02, the Lobby ceiling replacement options to a later meeting passed with a motion by Ms. Brenda Holder and a second by Mr. John Steele.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Absent
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve a change orders PR03 & PR04- unforeseen gym parapet additional demolition, temporary flashing, and extending metal panel assembly. Option A - PR03- demo temporary flashing at $29,975.40. PR04- extending metal panel assembly at $68,109.90. The total change orders combined are $97,975.40 passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Absent
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve a change order PR06- Unforeseen exterior door frame with additional finishing at $11,183.75 passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Mr. John Steele.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Absent
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
4. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn at 6:31 pm passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Absent
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes