Bath County
February 20, 2023 7:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion and possible action on tonight's agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve agenda as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Brenda Holder and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
3. Pledge of Allegiance and Silent Devotion
4. Superintendent & Board Communication
4.a. Personnel Actions
5. Student Spotlight Crossroads Elementary School
6. Discussion and possible action to approve the following items:
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve 6a-6r consent items as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Brenda Holder and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
6.a. January 23, 2023 minutes
6.b. January Financial Statement
6.c. Superintendent Expenditures
6.d. Claims
6.e. Fundraising
6.f. Travel
6.g. Use of Facility
6.h. Grant(s)
6.i. Review of all monthly reports of all funds
6.j. Pay bills through February 28, 2023
6.l. EKU Advantage MOU
6.m. EKU Dual Credit MOA
6.o. MSU Dual Credit MOA
6.p. Invitation to take bids for a maintenance cargo van/toolbox truck.
6.q. Storm Water Study Phase II
6.r. Classified Employee Extended Medical Leave
7. Public Comments
8. LPC Board Representative
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to assign Eric Conkright as Board representative for the Local Planning Committee passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
9. Contract District Facility Plan (DFP) coordinator
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to table the District Facility Plan tonight passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
10. Letter of Interest for Architect/Engineer for the Bath County Middle School renovation.
Supt. Steven Evans
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to table the District Facility Plan tonight passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve Ross Tarrant as the architect/engineer for the Bath County Middle School renovation passed with a motion by Ms. Brenda Holder and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
11. Letter of Interest for Construction Manager
Supt. Steven Evans
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve PACKS+wALKER as construction manager for the Bath County Middle School renovation passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
12. Discussion and possible action for Consideration/Approval of Construction Documents for the Bath County LAVEC Renovation Project, Phase 1 – Geothermal Well Field. Construction Documents include drawings, specification index
Mr. Peter Fisher
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve construction documents for the Bath County LAVEC Renovation Project, Phase 1 – Geothermal Well Field passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
13. Discussion and possible action to approve the Bath County High School LAVEC Renovation Project BG-3
Mr. Peter Fisher
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the Bath County High School LAVEC Renovation Project BG-3 passed with a motion by Ms. Brenda Holder and a second by Mr. Eric Conkright.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
14. Discussion and possible action to approve the tentative March 1, 2023 SBDM allocations
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the tentative March 1, 2023 SBDM allocations passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Ms. Brenda Holder.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
15. Discussion and possible action to approve the tentative March 1,2023 staffing allocations
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the tentative March 1, 2023 staffing allocations passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Mr. Eric Conkright.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
16. Discussion and possible action on the first reading of policy 09.36 School Related Student Trips
Supt. Steven Evans
Actions Taken

Motion to Amend Passed:  To amend the motion from: "Motion to approve the first reading of policy 09.36 School Related Student Trips" to: "Motion to table first reading of policy 09.36 School-Related Student Trips to next month's meeting" passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Mr. Eric Conkright.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes

Motion Passed:  Motion to table first reading of policy 09.36 School-Related Student Trips passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Mr. Eric Conkright.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
17. Other Business
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion for the board to look at the different alternatives for the Second Chance Academy passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes
18. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn at 8:05 pm passed with a motion by Mr. Eric Conkright and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Mr. Eric Conkright Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Absent
Mr. John Steele Yes