Bath County
March 28, 2022 7:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion and possible action to approve tonight's agenda
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve tonight's agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
3. Pledge of Allegiance & Silent Devotion
4. Student Spotlight- Bath County High School Band
5. Superintendent & Board Communication
6. Discussion and possible action to approve the following consent items:
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the February 28, 2022 minutes, February financial statement, Claims, personnel report, use of the facility, fundraising, travel, and review of all monthly reports of all funds passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
6.a. February 28, 2022 Minutes
6.b. February Financial Statement
6.c. Claims
6.d. Personnel Report
6.e. Use of Facility
6.f. Fundraising
6.g. Travel
6.h. Review of all monthly reports of all funds
7. Public Comments
8. Discussion and possible action to approve the Criteria for the Seal Of Excellence in the Arts- Music- at Bath County High School
Mrs. Erwin/Mr. Rawlings/Mr. Ramey
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the criteria for seal Of Excellence in the Arts- Music- at Bath County High School passed with a motion by Mr. Burnsy Stewart and a second by Mr. John Steele.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
9. Discussion and possible action for approval to accept bids for the following services: Occupation Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Physical Therapy, Orientation & Mobility Therapy, Diesel, Gas, Fire Alarm Services, Fire extinguisher Services, Elevator Service, Propane, Student and Team Pictures, School Signage, Alarm Monitoring Services, Pest Control Services, Security Surveillance Systems, Cafeteria Hood Range Cleaning Services, and Sanitation Services for the 2022-23 school year
Mrs. Kim Whitt / Mrs. Brittany Combs
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to advertise for bids for the following services: Occupation Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Physical Therapy, Orientation & Mobility Therapy, Diesel, Gas, Fire Alarm Services, Fire extinguisher Services, Elevator Service, Propane, Student and Team Pictures, School Signage, Alarm Monitoring Services, Pest Control Services, Security Surveillance Systems, Cafeteria Hood Range Cleaning Services, and Sanitation Services for the 2022-23 school year passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
10. Discussion and possible action to approve the ARP HCY II Homeless Coordinator Position and Job Description
Ms. Emily Barber
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the ARP HCY II Homeless Coordinator Position and Job Description passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
11. Discussion and possible action to approve the second reading of the 2022-23 school calendar
Mrs. Lorinda Jamison
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the second reading of the 2022-23 school calendar option B passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Mr. Burnsy Stewart.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
12. Discussion and possible action to approve the second reading of policy 09.3 student activities
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the second reading of policy 09.3 student activities passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
13. Discussion and possible action to approve first reading on revised policy 04.7 Inventories & 04.7 AP.2
Mrs. Brittany Combs
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the first reading on revised policy 04.7 Inventories & 04.7 AP.2 passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Mr. John Steele.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
14. Discussion and possible action to approve the Bath County Schools revised mission and vision statement
Dr. Karen Hammons
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the first reading on revised policy 04.7 Inventories & 04.7 AP.2 passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Mr. John Steele.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the Bath County Schools revised mission and vision statement passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
15. Discussion and possible action to approve the BG-4 on the Bath County High School Gym Floor refinishing
Mrs. Brittany Combs
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the BG4 #20-055 Bath County High school Gym Floor Refinishing with reference #29835 passed with a motion by Ms. Carla Bowling and a second by Mr. Burnsy Stewart.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
16. Discussion and possible action to approve the AIA Document CB132-2009 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect, Construction Manager as Advisor Edition-KDE Version for the Bath County High School Renovation Project
Mrs. Shelly Williams
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the AIA Document CB132-2009 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect, Construction Manager as Advisor Edition-KDE Version for the Bath County High School Renovation Project pending draft revisions passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
17. Discussion and possible action to approve the AIA Document C132-2009 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as Advisor-KDE Version for the Bath County High School Renovation Project
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the AIA Document C132-2009 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as Advisor-KDE Version for the Bath County High School Renovation Project pending draft revisions passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
18. Discussion and possible action to approve the BG-1 Project Application for the Bath County High School Renovation Project
Mr. Randy Brookshire
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the BG-1 Project Application for the Bath County High School Renovation Project passed with a motion by Mr. John Steele and a second by Ms. Carla Bowling.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes
19. Other Business
20. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn at 7:47 pm passed with a motion by Ms. Brenda Holder and a second by Mr. Burnsy Stewart.

Member Votes
Ms. Carla Bowling Yes
Ms. Brenda Holder Yes
Mrs. Christy Shaw Yes
Mr. John Steele Yes
Mr. Burnsy Stewart Yes