Ludlow Independent
August 15, 2024 6:30 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order

1.1. Call to Order by Mr. Wesley Dorger

Others Present:  Dr. Jason Steffen, Superintendent; Tonya Brummer, Director of Student Services and Board Secretary; Travis Caudill, High School Principal; Andrea Krumpelman, Elementary Principal; Aubrey Cahill, Director of Special Education and Preschool; Vikki Wofford, Director of Finance/CFO; Kyle Fancher, Chief Information Officer; Ehmet Hayes, REH&A; Bill Cobb, Codell; Jodi Schmidt, Athletic Director and Teacher; Abbey DeMoss, Teacher; Hanna Mathey, Teacher

1.2. Pledge of Allegiance by Ms. Cindy Powell
2. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #18 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood and a second by Mrs. Shelly Mays.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
3. Recognition and Information Agenda
3.1. Monthly Reports
3.2. Personnel
3.3. Spotlight Items
3.4. Construction Project Update

Ms. Powell expressed her concern with the progress of the project.  

3.5. Fundraising Requests
3.6. Fall KSBA Regional School Board Meeting
3.7. Employee 125 Benefit Broker
3.8. SME Prime Funding
3.9. Cyber Security
4. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #19 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Shelly Mays and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Monthly Bills
4.3. Field Trip Destinations
4.4. Transportation Carriers
4.5. Employee Handbooks
5. Discussion and Action Agenda
5.1. Tax Rate Approval
Actions Taken

Order #20 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the tax rates of 91.0 cents for real estate and 97.7 cents for personal property per $100 valuation and the 74.6 cent motor vehicle tax rate for 2024-2025 passed with a motion by Ms. Cindy Powell and a second by Mrs. Shelly Mays.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.2. Change Order #1-1-1
Actions Taken

Order #21 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Change Order #1-1-1 to Architect Sales, Inc for a credit in the amount of $2,198.00 for cost of the cubicle track and curtain passed with a motion by Mrs. Shelly Mays and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.3. Change Order #1-2
Actions Taken

Order #22 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Change Order #1-2 to Schrudde & Zimmerman in the amount of $3,017.17 for the additional cost to add L logo per owner request passed with a motion by Ms. Cindy Powell and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.4. Change Order #15-2
Actions Taken

Order #23 - Motion Passed:  Approval to the Change Order #15-2 to ESI in the amount of $2,965.04 for additional cost of electrical work to add "L" logo that matches the one already called out to be installed in corridor A-C3 that is shown on E3.1 passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood and a second by Mrs. Shelly Mays.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.5. Property Lease Agreement
Actions Taken

Order #24 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Lease Agreement for 119 Adela Street passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood and a second by Mrs. Shelly Mays.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.6. Property Purchase Agreement
Actions Taken

Order #25 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Property Purchase Agreement for the intent to purchase 119 Adela Street passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood and a second by Mrs. Shelly Mays.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell No
5.7. Orientation & Mobility Services Agreement
Actions Taken

Order #26 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Orientation & Mobility Services Agreement passed with a motion by Ms. Cindy Powell and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.8. Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky transportation agreement for Enzweiler and Gateway transportation.
Actions Taken

Order #27 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the T.A.N.K. Agreement for Enzweiler and Gateway Transportation passed with a motion by Mrs. Shelly Mays and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.9. Young Scholars Academy at NKU MOU
Actions Taken

Order #28 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Young Scholars Academy at NKU MOU passed with a motion by Mrs. Shelly Mays and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.10. Emergency Certification - Integrated Science Grades 9-12
Actions Taken

Order #29 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Emergency Certification for Elizabeth Pelgen to teach 9th-12th grade Integrated Science passed with a motion by Ms. Cindy Powell and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.11. Elementary Dean of Students - Part Time
Actions Taken

Order #30 - Motion Passed:  Approval of a part-time Elementary Dean of Students passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood and a second by Mrs. Shelly Mays.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
6. Other Business
6.1. Board

No items presented.

6.2. Faculty & Staff

Ms. Tonya Brummer, former elementary principal, thanked the Board for their generous approval of a Dean of Students in the elementary school.

6.3. Public

Ms. Hanna Mathey, community member and teacher, shared information regarding a community event this Saturday.  Porch Fest will take place on August 17th from 3:00-10:00pm on the corner of Linden and Helen Streets. Everyone is welcome to attend!  

7. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #31 - Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 PM passed with a motion by Mrs. Shelly Mays and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Absent
Mrs. Shelly Mays Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes