Ludlow Independent
March 23, 2023 6:30 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
1.1. Call to Order by Mr. Dorger

Others Present at the Meeting:  Mike Borchers, Superintendent; Jenny McMillen, Director of Student Services & Board Secretary; Jason Steffen, Director of Teaching & Learning; Travis Caudill, High School Principal; Tonya Brummer, Elementary Principal; Ehmet Hayes, Robert Ehmet Hayes & Associates; Nathan Granger, LINKnky

1.2. Pledge of Allegiance by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood
2. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #89 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Kym King and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Absent
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
3. Recognition and Information Agenda
3.1. Monthly Reports
3.2. Personnel
3.3. District Newsletter
4. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #90 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Cindy Powell and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Absent
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Monthly Bills
4.3. Fundraising Request
5. Discussion and Action Agenda
5.1. Construction Update

Ehmet Hayes gave an update on the renovation project.

5.2. Campus Quitclaim Deed
Actions Taken

Order #91 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the transfer of title from the Board of Education to the Finance Corp and the authorization of the Board Chairperson to sign the attached Quitclaim Deed passed with a motion by Mrs. Kym King and a second by Ms. Cindy Powell.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Absent
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.3. Quiet Title Action
Actions Taken

Order #92 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the authorization of the filing of the quiet title action by the Board Attorney in Kenton Circuit Court to clarify and establish legal title for portions of the real property passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood and a second by Mrs. Kym King.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Absent
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.4. Board Member Resignation
Actions Taken

Order #93 - Motion Passed:  Approval to accept the resignation of Mrs. Amy Hayden passed with a motion by Mrs. Kym King and a second by Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Absent
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes

Mr. Borchers reviewed the process involved in the election of a new board member to replace Ms Hayden's seat.

5.5. Student Accident Insurance
Actions Taken

Order #94 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the use of Roberts Insurance for Student Accident Insurance for 2023-2024 passed with a motion by Ms. Cindy Powell and a second by Mrs. Kym King.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Absent
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
5.6. Legislative Update

Mr. Borchers gave an update on a variety of legislative bills that could impact the school district.

6. Other Business
6.1. Board

Mr. Borchers discussed the process for the upcoming consolidated monitoring visit from KDE.  Mr. Dorger complimented the work from OHeil.  Ms. Powell discussed the cardiac screening, the elementary gym, and the athletic awards programs.  Ms. King mentioned she would love for the board members to be more involved in classroom activities.

6.2. Faculty & Staff

Mr. Caudill thanked the board members for the recent notes sent to the staff.

6.3. Public

No items presented.

7. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #95 - Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 PM passed with a motion by Mrs. Kym King and a second by Ms. Cindy Powell.

Member Votes
Mr. Wesley Dorger Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Absent
Mrs. Melanie Hazlewood Yes
Mrs. Kym King Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes