Ludlow Independent
February 24, 2014 7:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
1.1. Call to Order by Mr. McMillen

Others Present at Meeting: Mike Borchers, Superintendent; Jenny McMillen, Secretary of the Board and CCR Coordinator; Rick Smith, Director of Special Education; Vikki Wofford, Financial Analyst & Treasurer of the Board; Jason Steffen, Elementary Principal; Joe Beard, High School Principal; Ehmet Hayes, Architect

1.2. Pledge of Allegiance by Ms. Powell
2. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #60 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Amy Hayden and a second by Ms. Cindy Powell.

Member Votes
Mr. Stephen Chapman Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Yes
Ms. Kymberly King Yes
Mr. William McMillen Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
3. Recognition and Information Agenda
3.1. Monthly Reports

Mr. Borchers reviewed the monthly reports. Ms. Wofford explained the PSC Property Tax.

3.2. Personnel

Mr. Borchers reviewed the new personnel hires and resignation.

3.3. Monthly Activities

Mr. Borchers reviewed the monthly activities coming up in March.

3.4. Spotlight Items
3.5. Nutrition and Physical Activity Report

Mr. Borchers reviewed the Nutrition and Physical Activity Report. Mrs. Brownfield will work with the Dietician from the PEP Grant this summer to review and update menu items to offer.

4. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #61 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Stephen Chapman and a second by Ms. Cindy Powell.

Member Votes
Mr. Stephen Chapman Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Yes
Ms. Kymberly King Yes
Mr. William McMillen Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Monthly Bills

Mr. Borchers reviewed the AP Warrant Report and Credit Card Summary.

4.3. Facility and Fundraising Requests
4.4. Substitute Teacher
4.5. Family Resource/Youth Service Center Continuation Grant
5. Discussion and Action Agenda
5.1. Updates on MEP and Stadium Projects

Mr. Hayes presented the timeline for the construction projects. We are currently on schedule.

5.2. Discussion of Board Member Training Hours

Mr. Borchers discussed the hours of training needed by the board members. He will look into some training opportunities to make available.

5.3. Tentative Allocations
Actions Taken

Order #62 - Motion Passed:  Tentative SBDM allocations passed with a motion by Mrs. Amy Hayden and a second by Ms. Cindy Powell.

Member Votes
Mr. Stephen Chapman Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Yes
Ms. Kymberly King Yes
Mr. William McMillen Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes

Mr. Borchers reviewed the process for determining the elementary and high school SBDM allocations for 2014-2015.

5.4. Graduation Speaker
Actions Taken

Order #63 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Garren Colvin as the Class of 2014 Graduation Speaker, Vickie Berling as Alternate 1, David Hatter as Alternate 2, and Eric Richardson as Alternate 3 passed with a motion by Ms. Kymberly King and a second by Mrs. Amy Hayden.

Member Votes
Mr. Stephen Chapman Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Yes
Ms. Kymberly King Yes
Mr. William McMillen Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes
6. Other Business
6.1. Board

Mr. Borchers gave an update on the 21st CCLC and PEP Grant activities. He also talked about some future trainings involving ALICE training opportunities.

Mr. Chapman
1. Chief Turner will be contacting Mr. Borchers about presenting some information on a policy for staff to carry concealed weapons.
2. STOP Program: Information on an anonymous program that is free.
3. He wanted to thank everyone involved in the KSBA presentation in the PIE Project.

Ms. King complimented Ms. Collins and the cast and crew from the recent HS Play.

6.2. Staff

Mr. Steffen talked about the status of the 4th and 5th grade basketball teams in competitions.

6.3. Teachers

No items discussed.

6.4. Public

No items discussed.

7. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #64 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment of the meeting at 8:15 PM passed with a motion by Ms. Kymberly King and a second by Mrs. Amy Hayden.

Member Votes
Mr. Stephen Chapman Yes
Mrs. Amy Hayden Yes
Ms. Kymberly King Yes
Mr. William McMillen Yes
Ms. Cindy Powell Yes