Livingston County
January 14, 2019 7:00 PM
Livingston County, Kentucky Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Adopt the Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #331 - Motion Passed:  A motion to add item 5p, Serving Line Bid Reward to C&T Design to the agenda, and then to adopt the revised agenda, passed with a motion by Mr. Dennis Fleet and a second by Mr. David Kitchens.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
3. Recognitions - Live RED Recognitions
3.a. Student(s)

Mr. Love presented student recognitions for student achievement.

3.b. Staff

Presented by Mr. Zimmerman as noted in the LiveRED Report.

3.c. Live RED Report

Presented by Mrs. Amy Ramage.

4. Public Comment
5. Consent Items
Actions Taken

Order #332 - Motion Passed:  A motion to accept the consent items passed with a motion by Mr. Dennis Fleet and a second by Mrs. Terry Watson.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
5.a. Minutes of Previous Meetings
5.b. Payment of General and Title Program Claims
5.c. Acknowledge Personnel Report
5.d. SBDM Policy Review
5.e. District Use of Property Agreements
5.f. School-Wide Fundraisers
5.g. Travel Requests
5.g.I. Employee Travel
5.h. Grant Writer's Report
5.i. Surplus
5.j. Immunization Registry Agreement
5.k. Oaths of Office
5.l. Settlement Letter for a School Bus
5.m. Memorandum of Understand with Crittenden County Schools for Employee Crystal Moore
5.n. Municipal Advisory Disclosures
5.o. School Improvement Plans
5.p. Serving Line Bid Reward to C&T Design
6. Treasurer's Report & Finance Update
Actions Taken

Order #333 - Motion Passed:  A motion to accept the Treasurer's Report passed with a motion by Mrs. Christine Thompson and a second by Mrs. Terry Watson.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
7. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) update
Cristy Tomes

Presented by Cristy Tomes

8. Draft Budget FY2020

On or before January 31, the Board shall examine a detailed estimate of revenues and proposed expenditures by line item for the following fiscal year. On or before May 30, the Board shall adopt a tentative working budget, which includes a minimum reserve of two percent (2%) of the total budget.

9. Facilities
9.a. Local Planning Committee Update
Actions Taken

Order #334 - Motion Passed:  Motion to accept the LPC Waiver Request approval, Christine Thompson as the Board member representative, and Jennifer Ferrell as a community member representative passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mrs. Terry Watson.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
10. Audit Policy Review
Actions Taken

Order #335 - Motion Passed:  A motion to change the Audit Policy (procedure) to read, "An exit conference shall be held between the auditing staff and District staff, with two (2) Board members invited to be in attendance," passed with a motion by Mr. Dennis Fleet and a second by Mrs. Christine Thompson.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
11. Election of Board Officers
11.a. Election of Board Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #336 - Motion Passed:  A motion for Dennis Fleet to serve as the Board Chairperson passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mrs. Terry Watson.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
11.b. Election of Board Vice-Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #337 - Motion Passed:  A motion for Terry Watson to serve as the Board Vice-Chairperson passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mr. Dennis Fleet.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
12. Meeting Schedule for 2019
Actions Taken

Order #338 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adopt the proposed 2019 School Board Meeting Schedule passed with a motion by Mr. Dennis Fleet and a second by Mrs. Terry Watson.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
13. Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)
Actions Taken

Order #339 - Motion Passed:  A motion to go into closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c) Discussions of proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of the public agency: (f) Discussions or hearings which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee; passed with a motion by Mrs. Terry Watson and a second by Mr. David Kitchens.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
14. Return to Open Session
Actions Taken

Order #340 - Motion Passed:  Motion to return to Open Session passed with a motion by Mr. Dennis Fleet and a second by Mrs. Terry Watson.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
15. Retainer for Board Attorney
Actions Taken

Order #341 - Motion Passed:  A motion to retain Stuart Peek as the board's attorney passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mr. Dennis Fleet.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes
16. KSBA Conference
17. Board Member Orientation
18. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #342 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Dennis Fleet and a second by Mrs. Christine Thompson.

Member Votes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Yes